A personal finance and investing podcast on money, how it works, how to invest it and how to live wi
The U.S. and the UK each announced they were establishing sovereign wealth funds. We explore the pur
This week on episode 510, we share a conversation between Ben Inker of GMO and Greg Dowling of FEG I
We explore what private credit, or direct lending, is and how to invest in it. We also show how it i
Natural disasters are becoming more severe and costly—who should bear the financial burden? We explo
How geography contributes to economic growth and can increase or lower the cost of living.Topics cov
In episode 506, Joshua shares the pros and cons of living outside of your home country. He convinces
In our final episode of the year, I converse with author and data scientist Coco Krumme about the be
How asset class returns move in cycles with periods of above-average returns followed by periods of
What are the tangible and intangible factors that have contributed to long-term U.S. stock market ou
Why has there been renewed interest in nuclear power generation in the last couple of years, and how
We explore what strategy and systems are and how we craft and change them. We consider how investmen
In the 500th episode of Money for the Rest of Us, we focus on the S&P 500 Index. How has the ind
We explore eight things that contribute to a healthy, growing economy and where Cuba and Argentina h
In episode 498, David shares how his investing has changed over the past ten years and lessons you c
Why 401k and other defined contribution schemes are flawed, leading to a generation of workers unpre
Why we need distinct risk buckets: balancing our natural loss aversion with the allure of opportunit
This week on the podcast, we share excerpts from Plus episode 484 on ETF size and the impact of QE,
What does the Federal Reserve's policy rate cut mean for our portfolios? Will interest rates keep fa
How do home equity investments, income share agreements, and music royalties work, and how can you p
What caused the 40% price increase in houses and rents, and what are governments doing to try to fix