
Hacking Your Leadership Podcast

No role plays; just real. Chris & Lorenzo share four decades of combined experience to help you


Total: 953

Discussing why great leaders would rather have a position remain unfilled than place the wrong perso

Discussing how great leaders can be purposeful with active listening.#HackingYourLeadership #StarkEn

Making sure you hire people who have a passion for the job, not just a passion for their aspirations

If you find yourself successing more than failing, you aren't taking enough calculated risk.#Hacking

Discussing how leaders can avoid spending all their time doing things that should be delegated.#Hack

If you want to be a good leader, stop worrying about the credit you get.#HackingYourLeadership #vayn

Discussing how leadership and mentorship have bled into each other, and the requirements for each.#H

If you don't like people in general, there's no way you're an effective leader.#HackingYourLeadershi

Discussing how leaders should juggle their responsibilities to their people with their responsibilit

Discussing how leaders can determine which employee complaints are rooted in values vs which ones ar

Discussing why leaders shouldn't be assuming their employees know everything for which they're accou

Discussing how servant leadership has evolved and how to be a servant leader today.#HackingYourLeade

The importance of self-awareness and the role played by public atonement.Link to Forbes Article: htt

Discussing why some leaders are constantly getting distracted, and the damage this causes to their r

Discussing the importance of making sure your employees leave every interaction with a good feeling

Discussing how diversity efforts don't mean much without leveraging your diverse team into business

Discussing the balance between formal and informal education on leadership.#HackingYourLeadership #v

How do you know if you can trust your people?#HackingYourLeadership #vaynerpodcasts #StarkEngagement

Discussing the premice behind Lorenzo's first published book, available for pre-order now.Link to bo

Do you spend too much time on tactical work and not enough time on strategic work?#HackingYourLeader