Everything Everywhere Daily

Learn something new every day! Everything Everywhere Daily is a daily podcast for Intellectually Cu


Total: 1728

Located in the middle of the Mediterranean Sea is its largest island: Sicily. Given its size and loc

Every military in the world is a hierarchical organization. There are people at the top who make dec

On July 31, 1944, one of the greatest naval exploits in history took place in the Western Pacific Oc

Over a thousand years ago, a wealthy family in Germany gave birth to their tenth child, a daughter. 

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One of the most common food items consumed today are cruciferous vegetables. Even if you aren’t fami

Sponsors Mint Mobile Cut your wireless bill to 15 bucks a month at mintmobile.com/eed Quince Go to

Whaling is something that humans have engaged in for thousands of years.For most of that time, indig

Once every 450,000 years or so, the Earth undergoes a radical transformation. The planet’s magnetic

Every March, the United States experiences a period known as March Madness.  It is the time when col

All of you are familiar with the ABCs. It is one of the very first things that children are taught.N

In the summer of 1863, after two years of war, Confederate General Robert E. Lee felt it was possibl

The 19th century was one of rapid technological advancement. Of all of the innovations to come out o

In the late 1970s and early 1980s, a war erupted in the world of video technology.Two competing vide

In 1869, the world was shocked by a discovery that was made outside of the town of Cardiff, New York

For as long as humans have been watching the night sky, they noticed that every so often, during a f

One of the most devastating weapons in the medieval world was the crossbow. It evolved from early ha

Tiberius Claudius Caesar Augustus Germanicus, known to history as Claudius, was the fourth Emperor o

In the 18th century, a French astronomer who was a regular comet hunter kept finding things in the s

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