Change Agents Community with Dr. James Rouse

Welcome to the Change Agents Community, where unstoppable individuals unite to ignite their fullest


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Live an Authentic Life


Give yourself permission to embody your true self. You alone, are more than enough. Your exquisite n

The anterior medial cingulate cortex (aMCC), a part of the brain's cingulate cortex, plays a signifi

Every person arrives in this world carrying a seed of immense potential, embodying virtues such as k

When we set wellness goals, it's beneficial to focus not only on the end result but also on the posi

Do amazing things today. This is all about loving ourselves into an evolution of unwavering faith, d

Playing your favorite love song before you walk in the door can be a truly magical and heartwarming

Negative self-talk, characterized by self-criticism and self-doubt, can erode feelings of worthiness

A Day in the Life of You


Imagine waking up with a sense of purpose and determination. Throughout the day, you tackle challeng

Prayer, often characterized by its inclusive and universal approach to spirituality, can support per

Connecting to What Works


What are you willing to recommit to? What needs to become a 100% non-negotiable in your life? It's a

Becoming the best version of ourselves is a lifelong journey, and there are several factors and obst

Zest and Your Well Being


Zest is associated with a positive and enthusiastic approach to life, and it can significantly enhan

See Each Day as Sacred


Adam Grant is an organizational psychologist and bestselling author, and one of the most favorite pr

Think about the way you want to go out in the world today. Your kindness has a profound and far-reac

What would it look like if you landed in the space of deep confidence and faith in yourself? I want

All of us get an opportunity to set new intentions for the New Year. A year from now many of us will

Today I'm talking about some awesome work presented by Gabriele Oettingen, the researcher who wrote

Some of the things we need to have on our list right now - pause, peace, presence. Can you focus on

Think about the way you've persevered, how you haven't abandoned your heart. We've seen and experien

The Discipline Duo


Structural discipline and reactive discipline are two different approaches to managing behavior, oft