Welcome to the Change Agents Community, where unstoppable individuals unite to ignite their fullest
Are you living in the valley of average? Choosing mediocrity? Take a look at your life right now and
When I do these three things, I anchor how I want to show up in the world. Raise the condition of po
Success is no longer based on a person's IQ. It has much more to do with Emotional Intelligence (EQ)
When we are pursuing our purpose and our virtues, we increase longevity on average 7 to 10 years. Fr
What do you do to put your life in the world? And how do you keep the light on? Start with loving yo
When our mitochondria are working and being augmented through our healthy lifestyle, all kinds of be
Neuroscientists conducted a study, which was published in Cerebral Cortex on May 29. The study invol
The path of virtue is not always easy, but it is always rewarding. It takes hard work and dedication
There's something hopeful about community coming together. Today I want to share a story that happen
Cognitive flexibility is an important skill to have, both in the workplace and in daily life. It inv
When we decide we will love powerfully, not worry about being right or being accepted, we choose an
Loneliness is more deadly than air pollution, alcoholism, and more. It is linked to higher levels of
According to the findings, people who are optimistic have lower risks of death due to cancer, cardio
Consider your relationship with discipline. Discipline is freedom. Discipline keeps us holding the h
If you want to increase your emotional resilience, feelings of worthiness, spread good vibes, and in
No false speech. Tell no lies. Keep from a place of deep truth. No slander. Don't use words that cre
The happiness phenomenon in Finland is real. And there are three things we can do no matter where we
Self-recognition is pure gold. Reward circuitry helps to reset and build a steady flow of confidence
The antidote to being a hardaholic is more joy, more lightness. Incorporating more joy, play, and pl
I want to lead with love every chance that I get. I've realized that every opportunity is an opportu