2.5 Admins is a podcast featuring two sysadmins called Allan Jude and Jim Salter, and a producer/edi
Windows server unexpectedly upgrades major versions, Microsoft reinvents the idea of a thin client,
Jim and Allan discover modern charging tech and marvel at what’s possible in the USB-C era, mo
How using a copy-on-write filesystem like ZFS can get systems back online within seconds after ranso
It’s Halloween so Jim and Allan share horrific and spooky stories from their sysadmin careers.
SSL certificates are likely going to last less time, the latest Windows 11 update leaves a huge chun
The difference between monitoring and metrics analysis, the security pros and cons of cloud vs on-pr
NIST has finally proposed some sensible password standards, why server CPUs with high core counts ma
Why cold storage is never as good as keeping your data warm and regularly tested, how the American a
A proposed solution to the WHOIS TLS verification problem gets a surprising amount of pushback. Plus
The Malaysian government’s misguided plan to control its citizens’ DNS, the wrong way to
A surprising way to exploit the WHOIS system, Microsoft will force old versions of Windows 11 to upd
Another example of the downsides of abstraction, whether AI can ever be truly “open sourceR
AMD will patch some old Ryzens against SinkClose now, but their benchmarking methods for newer CPUs
Insecure SSH implementations and a weak key that let a researcher control 200 MW of electrical capac
Forcing Windows to undo updates and a separate IPv6 vulnerability, hardware bugs in AMD and Intel CP
Secure boot is compromised on hundreds of devices, Amazon’s desperate attempt to make money fr
How and why the recent huge Windows outage was caused by a bad CrowdStrike update and how it could h
How a Bitcoin mine made life in a Texas town absolutely miserable, why paying for extended support f
A widely-used login system is still using MD5 which is bad news, miscreants took over some domains w
We didn’t get to all of your questions for our Episode 200 free consulting special so here is