cover of episode 2.5 Admins 224: ZipLocked

2.5 Admins 224: ZipLocked

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2.5 Admins

AI Deep Dive AI Insights AI Chapters Transcript
专注于 IT 自动化和网络安全的技术专家
@Joe 认为英特尔CEO离职并不能解决公司严重的根本问题,他将英特尔的困境比作一个正在燃烧的房子,而CEO的离职只是像从窗户飞出去一样,并不能解决根本问题。@Jim 认为英特尔在代工厂业务方面严重失败,导致公司各个方面都受到影响。@Alan 指出英特尔未能有效与台积电竞争,导致其在芯片制造方面竞争力下降,Gelsinger未能实现其在四年内扭转英特尔颓势的目标。英特尔自主芯片制造曾被视为美国国家安全利益的重要组成部分,但未能成功竞争导致其市场份额下降,损害了其作为美国芯片制造商的战略地位。Gelsinger试图通过改进代工厂业务和加快开发周期来扭转英特尔的颓势,但由于质量保证问题和其它问题而未能成功。英特尔之前的“Tick-Tock”开发周期限制了其发展速度,Gelsinger试图加快开发周期,但由于质量保证问题和其它问题而未能成功。英特尔的裁员和士气低落也阻碍了其发展。Gelsinger承诺的快速扭转局面可能并不现实,他可能因为承诺激进的改革而获得了CEO职位。英特尔的失败不应完全归咎于Gelsinger一人,Gelsinger是一位工程师背景的领导者,英特尔之前的领导者更多关注财务指标,而非技术创新。英特尔过去曾利用垄断地位和反竞争行为来保持领先地位,而非技术创新。英特尔直到AMD对其构成威胁后才开始重视技术改进。ARM架构在能效方面超越了x86架构,x86架构的长期遗留问题限制了其与ARM等新架构的竞争力,x86架构需要兼容大量的旧系统和应用,这限制了其发展。单一平台无法满足所有需求,英特尔过去没有积极主动地进行技术改进,直到受到竞争压力。即使没有AMD的竞争,英特尔最终也会受到ARM架构的挑战,高端Qualcomm处理器在许多方面与x86处理器竞争激烈。英特尔的困境并非完全由Gelsinger造成,仅仅更换CEO并不能解决问题。美国政府担心英特尔的未来,并考虑让其他美国公司收购,但让其他不进行自主芯片制造的美国公司收购英特尔并不能解决问题。让台积电收购英特尔会使美国失去对芯片制造的控制,《芯片法案》对英特尔剥离代工厂业务设置了限制。美国缺乏自主的芯片制造能力,台积电在美国的代工厂建设也面临着人才短缺的问题。要实现完全的美国自主芯片制造,需要解决人才短缺等问题。完全的美国自主芯片制造与全球经济一体化的趋势相悖。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why did Intel's CEO, Pat Gelsinger, retire after less than four years in the role?

Intel's CEO, Pat Gelsinger, retired after failing to reverse the company's decline in the foundry business, which has impacted its overall performance. Gelsinger's ambitious plans to compete with major foundries like TSMC and improve Intel's chip development cycle did not yield the expected results, leading to significant financial losses and internal turmoil.

What were the key challenges Intel faced under Pat Gelsinger's leadership?

Under Pat Gelsinger's leadership, Intel faced challenges in its foundry business, failing to compete effectively with TSMC. Additionally, Gelsinger's plan to accelerate chip development through a tick-tock model did not go as planned, leading to quality assurance issues and potential recalls. The company also had to deal with layoffs and declining morale among employees.

How did Intel's internal issues impact its ability to compete with AMD and ARM?

Intel's internal issues, including its inability to effectively compete in the foundry business and maintain a competitive chip development cycle, significantly impacted its ability to compete with AMD and ARM. While AMD and ARM continued to advance their technologies, Intel struggled with maintaining its legacy infrastructure and improving its processors' efficiency and performance.

What was the primary issue with Zipcar's handling of its recent outage?

The primary issue with Zipcar's handling of its recent outage was the lack of a contingency plan and poor customer communication. During the outage, customers were unable to unlock or lock cars, and Zipcar's response was to blame users and impose hefty late fees, rather than addressing the technical failure and its consequences.

Why is it important for companies like Zipcar to have fail-safe mechanisms in place?

It is crucial for companies like Zipcar to have fail-safe mechanisms in place to ensure that critical functions, such as unlocking and locking vehicles, can still operate during technical failures. Without such mechanisms, companies risk stranding customers, compromising security, and damaging their reputation through poor crisis management.

What are the drawbacks of self-hosting email compared to using providers like ProtonMail or FastMail?

Self-hosting email has several drawbacks, including the need for constant tweaking to ensure deliverability and the risk of emails being marked as spam. Larger, trusted email providers like ProtonMail and FastMail have the expertise and infrastructure to maintain high deliverability rates, which is critical for business communication.

What are the benefits of using a NAS distribution like TrueNAS Scale over a simpler solution like ZFS on Linux?

TrueNAS Scale offers native Docker support, which is essential for users who need containerized applications. For those not requiring Docker, simpler solutions like ZFS on Linux or even FreeNAS (now TrueNAS CORE) may be more straightforward and easier to manage, especially for those without extensive technical expertise.

Intel's CEO, Pat Gelsinger, has retired, leaving the company with significant challenges in its foundry business. The discussion explores whether replacing the CEO can solve Intel's deep-rooted problems and the broader implications for the company's future.
  • Intel has failed to compete effectively with TSMC in chip fabrication.
  • Gelsinger's ambitious plans to revamp Intel's foundry business and accelerate development cycles did not yield expected results.
  • The company faces internal and external pressures, including maintaining American-made chip production and competing with ARM and other emerging technologies.

Shownotes Transcript


Tuna half admins, epsom to four.

I'm joke. I'm jim and I am .

melon .

and he wear again before we get started, a couple of plugs that F, S. Asked me anything on december twelve dip.

So this is the next webinar. That'll be one P M eastern on december twice like na the link to the show note to see in your timezone but that myself and mark maybe been a long time developer of A E F S and get a lot of interesting things like uh dade and so on. And we're going to be moderated by gym as we take your questions on anything you want to ask about that F, S, where there be, how that F S. Was originally built in and a lot of history or where it's going next or just all your burning questions about that F, S.

I look forward to cutting Allens mick, randomly.

Just the laws, alright, in an article applying the oc algorithm to the arc.

yeah. So this is A A new feature that will be part of the next thing that. Fs, where is has the art? The automatic adjust between the most recently used and most frequently used part of the cash to find the right baLances saves you the best performance.

But with others that of us, you still have to manually tune the mix between data and medi data. But Alexander motion made the patch, and now that F, S, will actually really use the same algorithm to decide which one is benefiting you more, having more meat data or having more data in the cash. And so IT will actually, on multiple dimensions, apply that arc algorithm to adapt to your current workload and give you a cash that's giving you the best possible results in the .

metrics that generates are technically made meta data.

right? Well, thanks to buy those in the shadows. This is some news, pet. Gale singer has retired from intel not even four years into the job. All I can think about is intel sitting there at the table, flames all around them, them saying this is fine.

whether all I can think of is the mean, where suggestions come from around the table, and then the sensible suggestion gets made by somebody. The CEO stands up super mad. The next frame, you just see them flying out of the wind of the size skyscrapers falling with their death.

So at the heart of this, intel has failed massively in the foundry side of their business and its crippled essentially every aspect. One of the big things that intel used to set themselves apart from competitors like AMD and NVIDIA as they fab their own chips. But to february ships, you need to have a functional foundation.

And IT needs to be able to compete with all the other founders ies. And until has not been able to effectively compete with the T S M C, the big boundary that does the majority of the chip fabling for A M D and many other companies. This have not been able compete very well for years.

And gelsinger was banking on being able to reverse that trend within four years. And well, he bank wrong. And so now he got shot out that skyscraper window in the, he's wait and head at the bottom.

I suppose one of the reasons that IT was so important for intel to do their own foundry work and not simply outsource to know somebody is to get IT fabric is that intel is the american way to fab chips. If you're fabling ships from T S, M C, you are necessarily going to be leaving us borders. So this gave intel a huge and road into massive sales and basically raja go T M USA organza.

Beginning, but certainly not ending with the U. S. Government themselves.

It's seen as a huge security benefit to say, hey, you know, the pedigree of this part that all of our critical nation state security data goes through. None of this ever left. The country is an entirely american made product. But again, if you can actually build the foundation ies to successfully compete, you want up losing market here, which is exactly what has been happened to.

Girl singer was banking on being able to reverse that trend, not only through revamping the work being done on the founders ies and getting the founders ies built, allocating a lot more of intel's money towards getting them build in a hurry. He was also trying to access era, the development cycle, until for a very long time has been doing what they call a tiktok development cycle, where the the die only shrinks on every other advance. So you have basically sort of of efficiency change that gives you a somewhat higher processor without drinking the die size.

And then on the next generation, you shrink the die size. And shrinking the die size is your main focus, not the other side of building in a trip. And what girls' er said is instead of doing a tiktok in every other year will shrink a die size. He said, you know what we're you're going to tick, tick, tick, tick, tick and were going to do five dye rinks over the next four years and that did not go as planned.

Yeah quality assurance issues and just buy out from the problems and being faced with almost a possible recall is on really put things in a bad shape and suddenly intels looking at losing money for the first time in a really, really long time.

You so went in my thirty one hundred k to fry itself.

yeah. And then you know if you're trying to advancing and go with this ticket mechanism. So playing off fifty thousand people in destroying moral are having round after round of playoffs so on doesn't leave your team in a very good place to be able to actually accomplish these feats of engineering mastery.

I think that the speed of turning things around the girl singer was promising was IT IT probably wasn't ever really something anybody should have banked on IT IT doesn't sound sustainable or reasonable to me. That sounds like a hale mary. And, you know, huge promises.

The question is, could gilling or even have gotten to the top spot? He wasn't promising something that radical because intel was already desperate for years ago. And I don't think that anybody on the board or any of their investors would have been happy to hear about a plan that slowly brought them back to health over the next ten to fifteen years. They wanted to fixed today.

not tomorrow, explained that people like latest who promised loads of bullshit up from.

yeah well, they they like to elect the leader that promises all the bulls shit tomorrow, and they like to fire them the day after tomorrow when those impossible promises didn't get delivered. I'm not saying that I know for a fact that, oh, gelsinger is awesome and he didn't do anything wrong and he was Better than the last guy. I don't really know.

I don't know the guy at all personally, and I don't honestly was reputation that that will, but I do think that he never really had a shot. And I think that the endemic failures at intel, I don't think that makes sense to hang them all on his head. I think that they can kick him out. But unfortunately, they're still going to be intel. After having fired him.

you say you don't know much about him, but he was an engineer. He's not like a business guy, I mean, as well he is now. But originally he was an engineer, actually understood some of the low level stuff here. absolutely.

And that's one of the reasons that a lot of people, myself included, were you know pretty excited the news that he was going to home the company until had been held by the being counters for a very long time. And you know a lot of the reason they back lids so far was because of typical being counter N B A kind of nonsense until thrived because I could exercise a, and I have to be very careful.

Here we are now wearing into legally protected personal opinion, not statement effect. But intel, for a long time, thrived on exploiting a near monopolist condition and using anti competitive practices to keep themselves on top, rather than on constantly improving their technology to keep themselves on top. You didn't really see a whole lot of tangible effort from intel materially improved hardware until A N.

D. Suddenly started kicking their asses a few years ago. Then, and only then, IT suddenly became important for intel processors to get a lot faster than they had been.

yeah. But while they were battling out with AMD, ARM came round the side and beat them both. Certainly when IT comes to efficiency, maybe not for like top n performance, but it's all about ARM.

Now look at what apple is done with apple silicon. Look at what microsoft are doing now with the snapdragon powered AI bullshit laptops. sure.

And you know, there are some other reasons for that. ARM isn't encumbers with as many decades of legacy craft is a is not that either AMD or intel would be incapable of building faster processors with a different platform is that they are unfortunately settled with needing to maintain again decades of craft without which older versions of Operating systems won't run applications might not run reliably. There's a lot of nonsense.

They have to keep functional that's handy capping them in terms of competing with something like ARM or even risk five. Not the risk five is there yet, but you know you you look further down the future. And this is all part of a fairly natural engineering cycle.

You build something up, you perfect IT. You get the best I can possibly be, but then you have new needs and you try to boat those new needs on of this very fine tuned idealize platform. And eventually, something has to give you know, one platform can't be everything to everybody, and that is a big disadvantage, both like that until and anybody building x sixty processors is gonna to face.

But that's orthogonal to the issue of them just not actually trying the materially advanced in the first place until somebody made them. I think the the most important part about what you said, joe, is not so much about, you know, and now ARM is kicking both of the arrests. IT just points out that even if AMD had and the one to wake them up, IT would have happened anyway a couple years later with various ARM initiatives.

Even if IT wasn't for a obviously, apple is leading the field there with her m one m to eta, but even the qualcomm stuff is widely disregarded as IT is in the the armed space by comparison. It's got to the point where the higher and welcome processors they are come being pretty damn evenly and a lot of metrics with the much bigger X, Y six stuff even despite the fact that you there are to run in the phone without so much as A N. So one way another, this wake up call was coming for you.

And again, I I don't think it's fair to hang that on girl singers head. The man might not be perfect for I know he might have done some really stupid things in the last four years, I don't know, but there's just no way you hang all this on his head. And think that just by getting rid of him, oh, that's intel l gonna.

Write itself now yeah, i'm a little be worried to for intel l's future. I don't it's going to be in the short term at the kind of medium to long term. I could see them just going away completely.

This was a concern shared by big chunk of the U. S. government. And they are like, well, like do we get quality com or A M D or apple to buy intel to make sure that they're still going to be an american fabs where we can get chips source locally. Because if we learned anything, even just during the pandemic, is that supply chains have problems. We need the ability to make stuff locally.

sometimes. What good would you do to get another american company that doesn't do its own fabling, to buy intel, to fix intel fabs that don't work because apple is not fAiling the m one. It's going out to T M C.

So what you're really asking for us for T M C to buy intel because they are the ones with the fab experience. But now you're right back to your issue. We know raa amErica bleed red, White, blue. Well, now we're depending on a foreign company again.

a foreign company whose future is not certain with the china situation.

But the point part of the chip acts, in addition, giving all this money to tell is also like getting money to T, F, C to open a fab on american soil. And the other headline we've seen recently is that as part of actually unlocking that funding from the chips act, intel is going to have some confidence on that, where that if they do spin off their fab business into a separate company, that intel has to maintain a majority stake IT and that no other company can control more than thirty five percent of IT, including via owning intel stock, to prevent the money from the tip tag being able to be controlled by, again, a foreign company.

the divulges. They just keep expanding from there because again, at the heart of IT, the issue is that we don't have a way to fab chips on american soil with all american infrastructure. And that's really important to the american government into a lot of the particularly patriotic raw a businesses that think that's A A huge win.

Well, one of the things that's been done to sorter can address that is know getting tsf c itself to open up fabric on american soil. But you're still talking about a non american company. What makes IT even worse? Tmc s third vb in arizona back in twenty twenty three, it's opening got delayed.

IT was projected then to not be open until twenty twenty five in. The reason for that is because ted states talent to Operate the thing was insufficient. So you're not only talking about trying get a fab on american soil. If you're really wanting to do the bleed red, White and blue stuff you're talking about, you need to be running IT with native borne american leadership and folks on the floor and everything and the folks who are the actual experts in this are complaining we can't find enough americans that know what they're doing. So there's a lot we need to fix if we want to maintain this idea that all of our critical hardware is going to be nothing but made the USA from scratch. No foreign ba ba blaw were fighting the entire trend of the human economy for the last few decades, which is to have a global economy where you have specialized things in different places and you have mutually beneficial trades back and forth.

and you have a stable world, lord, that allows that to happen.

And old free software yle hippy like myself might point out that is kind of like asking proprietary software to compete with open source software on an equal basis. There are some hurdles. You got a jump. The talent pool is bigger.

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You know, who knew that? Joe meta knew that. Remember when nobody could get into the metal offices for a day?

Yes, yes, when they when they broke their routers. And so the key card access to get into the data center to reset the router didn't work.

It's funny. But there actually are a lot of parallels there because in the case that earlier facebook out age where they found out they couldn't even get into their own buildings because they had a dependency on their data center being up to get into their data center, we're still talking about an issue where you've got this remote electronic unlock that requires access to a cloud back in.

And if things are broken in the cloud, well, now you no longer have to access to your local stuff either. And I think the bigger part of the story honestly, is not oh, a company with a cloud back in screwed up and the cloud back in was unacceptable ble for a while for me. The bigger part of the story was how badly zipcar has been reported to have handled IT.

Yeah so to provide a bit of context to people, zip car is an act that lets you basically rent a car by the hour. So the cars are parked in parking garage or specific parking spots. And if you need a car to say, go get groceries, ies or moves and furniture is something you go on the APP, uh, you book the car, then you can just look up the car and use the APP to unlock the car and go in and do what you got to do.

But when the ald happened, that meant that in one of the examples in the story, somebody pull over, went into the store to buy a drink, came back and they couldn't unlock the car to get back in. The other big problem, especially from a safety aspect, is IT. Seems some people were also unable to lock the car when they got out, because you need the APP to do that and the APP was down. So now you like you can't leave valuables in the car because the car can't be locked.

And zip car was threatening people that if the car was stolen because they couldn't lock IT because I pc's network was down, that they would be responsible for the car being stolen. Which brings me back to you being like to me, the bigger part of the story was not company with black cloud back screwed up and their stuff is an accessible for a while. I was the business response.

I don't really find IT unforgivable that zipcar had an outage that cause these major problems, even with the serious problems that cause some people. There were some users that were stranded hundreds of miles away from their house in really bad weather outside a lock car, and IT was really bad. But again, outages happen.

The thing that really bothered me was all the stories of people being told that zip car was holding them personally responsible for securing a vehicle that couldn't be locked, was charging them incredible late fees for cars. That zip car did not markets turned in because the APP wasn't working. When people click the button that said i'm done with this car, there were million different things that went wrong in zipcar, appeared to be trying very hard to blame every last bit of IT on its users and collect every last dollar from them that I could. And that's not how you respond when you screw up your own infrastructure and cause problems for your customers. You take care of your customers are you listen in sip car?

Yeah, I think the biggest thing this highlighted is that they didn't seem to have a contingency plan for when their cloud went out. They didn't have procedures in place. And what do we do about people who would try to return their car and cap because the up is down and all these things, they really didn't seem to have a plan for how to deal with this. And then when they did try to deal with that, they did IT really, really badly.

And this shouldn't have been difficult to game out. Is a possible scarier that you need to plan for even above, beyond the meta comparison that already made? Uh if you look at vehicles specifically in issues with cloud based lock, unlock and activation, this was an issue that his hit companies before zipcar was a thing with the best my knowledge, tesla has had several short outages where their cloud back in was inaccessible for some reason.

And you know for like a day or two at a time, people who Normally have their teslas automatically unlock when they get within range because of their phones, bluetooth, connecting the car that stop working for a while. But here's me saying something nice about tesler for once. That was actually less of a problem because although a lot of people hadn't paid attention to that, tesler gives you a key card that works for the car, and if the remote unlock with your phone stops working, you can still hold the car to the a pillar of the door and IT unlocks.

And that never stopped working because that never required the cloud back in. To begin with, IT all happened locally, and you could still get in your car and drive away. Zip card didn't make any similar provisions here .

about failure is it's about how do you deal with the failure of the main way you interact with technology. You've got to have fail .

safe precisely. You need to fail Gracefully .

because you're gna fail in particular to jose know, is just the word but fail safe. You want the car to fail to a safe condition is probably Better to fail to an unlock state than the lock state, because you don't want to lock somebody in the car, lock something valuable in the car that people can access. Know what if somebody y's kid was in the vaccine of the car, and then the car was locked and you can unlock the car?

Let's what god make crow bars for you.

But really the other thing is they didn't seem to have a lot of segregation between kind of important stuff and and marketing stuff. right? They say that the as part of a black friday promotion, they had increased traffic to their website and that as part of the cause of the issue and they also they don't actually say specifically when they say, uh, black friday promotion cause S M S delivery service constrains.

But IT seems like they hit the rate limit on how many S M S they could send per minute or per hour or whatever. And the fact that they are used, the same quote of S M S messages for black friday promotional stuff, try to text people and get them to take a deal as to actually unlock a car. Do two factor edication during log game meant that people couldn't log in because they spent too much of the quota spamming people with two pongos maybe don't use the same code of messages.

not quite the same thing kind of I see someone decide, no, we don't need to pay male champers, nobody else. For our bulk mile delivery. We'll just have the secretary and you know a big five thousand bcc message of our outlook. It'll be fine.

And IT could be that, again, the way they worded IT IT wasn't actually then that ran into a limit. IT was that the S, M, S service brighter they were using had oversold how many S, S. Messages they could actually deliver.

And when everybody was trying to send by friday messages, the mobile Carrier networks were limiting them or something. But either way, they really need to separate the marketing activities from the critical logging in path. And probably the same thing goes for their A P. I. You know, every visitor to your website shouldn't be using up resources that stopped people from A.

I also got forbid, but you know, maybe we stop trying to build infrastructure based on S M. S. messaging. Stop, stop.

Let's use some free consulting then for first. Just quick. Thank you to everyone who puts with paper l and patron. We're really do appreciate that if you want to join those people who can go to two to five aben stock comment flash support and remember that the various amounts on patron, you can get an advert free R S of either justice or all the shows in the lights linux family.

And if you want to send any any questions for germany and or your feedback, can email show a two five element stock com. Another perk of being a patron is you get to skip the queue, which is what Carmen has done. He write, I need to migrate a company's email because he does not have demarch.

I'm thinking proton mail to make IT easy and the users get a bit of extra perks like the password manager to help them with not reusing passwords. I've also thought about just hosting IT. I know this varies widely case by case. However, what options do you gents recommend? Do I think .

that general hosting yourself has a lot of drawbacks, especially around delivery ability? And the biggest thing with email is when you email custom, you want to be damn sure that the email gets to their inbox and doesn't get dropped on the floor spam. So sadly, the way the internet has become you kind of have becoming from a relatively big network in order to accomplish that. So going with a larger trusted hosting provider is probably your only real option.

Please IT requires constant tweak. And you know, if this is your baby, do you have the personal band with available to constantly tweeted when things need changes to ensure continue deliver ability? If not, you might want to use the company who does, in fact, have people they employed to do exactly that.

Yeah, i've mentioned before, sometimes when you do have a requirement to self host at least part of IT, whether there is for a certain application or something, there are ways to kind of have a hybrid approach.

For example, if you're using a microsoft office three sixty five hosted thing, you can set up an authorized reay where your server inside your network is allowed to send mail to microsoft will then send IT on to the ultimate destination so that all the male comes from microsoft, gets through the fan filters, but still originated from your real post fix server or whatever. And options like that can cover the cases where IT maybe doesn't make sense to just directly use one of these larger providers. But like tim said, unless you are going to basically commit yourself everyday to fighting with email is really the best option. And who really wants to spend the other time on?

So do we think proton mae is a reasonable choice?

Yeah, I think protein male and fast male are both great choices here. Those are my to go to companies to recommend. When somebody says, look, I want somebody to open my email for me, and I don't wanted to be either microsoft or google. Those are my two top choices.

I didn't want to double check and make sure that both natively support setting up your own decrem records because all the market itself, you don't need any CoOperation from your male host as long as you've got control of german D, N, S, you can set up a demand corrections d and set your remark policy. Nothing else required. However, that's not really useful if you don't have proper dcm going on, and that requires integration with the male server configuration.

However, both proton and vast male definitely support customer can figure D. M. So yeah, either will be a great choice.

Collen, whose patriot also sick the queue he rates. I'm a data scientist on python developed by day. Amateur s had been by night.

I have failed repeatedly to figure out the ice and helped to set up tune our scale for a simple N F share in my harmless b on my local network. Do you think the new hex OS project is worth paying for? Its value proposition is simplification of tunas.

Hex OS is designed to kind of take away a lot of the confusing settings and options from tina scale and bring IT down to a much simpler set of use cases. So it's very much about just a core set of use cases. If you're not doing one of the five or six things that hex OS is targeting, then they on purpose are really not for you.

And they really want to be very good at a couple of specific things to avoid the problem that trainer has of trying to be all things to all people and being too confusing and having too many options. So as a development nature system, if you're going to want to maybe do more with this in the future and and have a bit more control, you're probably Better off staying with the plane trees. But if you are doing just one of the use cases that haxo as highlights, then IT can remove a lot of that complexity for you already answer.

I would suggest considering another next distribution other than international scale, tuna scale is probably the most complicated thing out there to to try to get set up and in with its a lot newer than regular. True as I see a lot of people wanting to go with true scale just because it's linux and they get scared of free bs d but honestly, that doesn't really have any bearing on a realistic choice between tunas core and tuna's scale.

The only reason I know of that you would really want to n as scale as if you want native doctor support. If you want that, you need linux so you want scale. But I don't hear anything about docker, which says to me that you have the option of a trying vanilla atas, which also is not really my recommendation.

I'm going to ham on a very frequent recommendation on which is a few fancher as too complicated. Try sigma as, zig as and truax are both forks of the original free as project, which was based on the old monohull VS d based firewall, their face way, way, way back in the day. And the big difference is that zg banas, which originally was named nas for free, that wasn't confusing next to free as at all.

It's based on the original code where as when I X bought the rights to the the project in its branding, they essentially chucked most of the bin and it's kind of an entirely new and different project in practice. I find that zg banas is a lot simpler and more intuitive to get through its interface. IT doesn't look at shiny and is fancy by any means.

IT still looks like it's fork from an old monos all project from the early two thousands. However, IT just works and it's a lot easier to just sit down, not already being an expert in IT and figure out what you need to do. In my experience, in my opinion, I would probably start off with that before I forked over a few hundred books for a lifetime license to a project that isn't actually out yet. Personally.

can I just put in a vote for a bon to server and setting up up manually without any sort of web on interface? Just do IT all by before .

you need is an unitive share then that's pretty report.

Yeah, I managed IT and i'm not even a proprium. I'm not even a half admen according to a lot listers.

Yeah, you can absolutely put in that vote. I mean, i'll second that vote. I just I try to really hard not to tell everybody they have to do things like the exact way.

I wouldn't like command line, everything in the absolute bare minimum of whatever. I think there are happy mediums to be found. IT does seem likely that somebody who specifically asking about nas distribution is probably looking for a nas distribution and gi.

And if that is important to you, it's something that like you really need. Then again, I my next recommendation would be gives zig nas a shot and see if that works for you. If IT does not, then yeah I just live in a bunt u and see what that looks like getting IT set up. If our point one admin can manage IT, you probably can .

do right where we'll get out of Helen, remember show at two or five adman stock come if you understand questions on your feedback, you can find me a jw stop slash method.

You can find me at mercenary is is, said man don .

and i'm at Allen jude, say next week.