cover of episode 2.5 Admins 229: LiFePo4Life

2.5 Admins 229: LiFePo4Life

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2.5 Admins

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@Jim : 我最近购买了Anker Solix系列锂铁磷酸盐电池UPS,它比传统的铅酸电池UPS更小巧、轻便,并且具有更长的使用寿命和运行时间。Anker Solix C300价格合理,性能出色,即使在高负载下也能提供稳定的电力供应。此外,Anker Solix系列UPS还具有蓝牙和Wi-Fi连接功能,方便用户进行管理和自动化操作。 我对比了其他品牌的UPS,例如Bluetti,但Anker Solix系列在软件、做工和整体质量方面都更胜一筹。Bluetti UPS虽然功率较大,但风扇噪音过大,并且切换速度较慢。Golden Mate UPS的功率也比较大,但显示屏过于简陋。 Anker Solix F3800是一款功率更大的UPS,但它在120伏电压下,只有左侧电源插座可用。不过,Anker公司也提供了双单元组合和家用电源面板等解决方案,可以满足更多用户的需求。 总的来说,锂铁磷酸盐电池UPS具有更高的性价比和更长的使用寿命,是未来UPS电源发展的趋势。 @Allan : 彻底删除文件是不可能的,尤其是在文件已经离开你的控制范围之后。即使你删除了本地备份,也无法保证文件的所有副本都被删除。好莱坞的数字版权管理系统也无法完全阻止文件的复制和传播。 提前加密文件可以提高删除文件的安全性,但不能保证文件被彻底删除。从ZFS快照中删除单个文件是不可能的,只能删除整个快照。只有在不与存储提供商共享密钥的情况下,才能确保加密数据被彻底删除。 一旦与他人共享文件,你就无法确保文件被彻底删除。NFT也无法阻止文件被复制。即使有数字版权管理,文件仍然可以通过模拟方式进行复制。 即使备份组织良好,也难以确保文件被彻底删除。要彻底删除文件,需要删除所有备份,这并不总是可行的。我的备份系统是基于策略、脚本和自动化的,因此我知道数据的位置和删除时间,但即使如此,也无法保证所有副本都被删除。 @Joe : 我经历了停电,这让我意识到便携式电源的重要性。使用大型移动电源比家用发电机更方便、更便宜、更灵活。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

What are the key benefits of lithium iron phosphate (LiFePO4) batteries compared to traditional lead-acid UPS systems?

Lithium iron phosphate batteries are smaller, lighter, and offer significantly longer runtime and lifespan compared to lead-acid batteries. While lead-acid UPS systems typically last about two years before runtime degrades, LiFePO4 batteries can last 10 to 20 years, even with over 1,000 full discharge and recharge cycles. Additionally, LiFePO4 batteries provide nearly four times the runtime of lead-acid systems, making them more efficient and cost-effective in the long term.

What are the advantages of Anker's Solix C300 power bank over traditional UPS systems?

The Anker Solix C300 offers 300 watts of continuous power handling, which is sufficient for powering substantial computing equipment. It provides nearly four times the runtime of traditional lead-acid UPS systems and is significantly lighter and more compact. Additionally, it features advanced metrics like battery percentage and estimated runtime, Bluetooth connectivity for app management, and a longer lifespan of 10 to 20 years. It also includes a built-in trouble light and is more cost-effective over time due to its durability and efficiency.

Why is it difficult to completely delete a file once it has been shared or backed up?

Once a file is shared or backed up, it becomes nearly impossible to ensure all copies are deleted. Files can exist in multiple backups, ZFS snapshots, or cloud storage, and once shared, others may have copied or saved it. Even if the original file is deleted, screenshots, re-uploads, or other forms of duplication can persist. Encryption can help control access, but once a file is shared, its distribution is out of the original owner's control.

What challenges arise when trying to pass through Bluetooth to a Windows 11 VM?

Passing through Bluetooth to a Windows 11 VM can be challenging because onboard Bluetooth is often bundled with Wi-Fi or other devices, making it difficult to isolate for PCIe pass-through. If the Bluetooth controller is part of a hybrid device, it may not be possible to pass it through without also passing through Wi-Fi, which could disrupt the host machine's internet connection. A solution is to use a separate PCIe Bluetooth controller card, which can be passed through to the VM without affecting other components.

What are the requirements for running Windows 11 in a virtual machine?

Running Windows 11 in a VM requires UEFI firmware and a TPM (Trusted Platform Module) version 2.0. The VM must be configured with UEFI firmware, as Windows 11 will not boot on a BIOS firmware VM. Additionally, a TPM, either hardware or software-based, must be passed through to the VM. These requirements ensure compatibility and security for Windows 11, which enforces stricter hardware standards compared to earlier versions of Windows.

Shownotes Transcript

Jim and Allan explain the benefits of a lithium iron phosphate “UPS”, whether it’s possible to delete every single copy of a file, and using Bluetooth in a Windows 11 VM.


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Anker SOLIX C300

Anker SOLIX F3800

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We were asked about using Bluetooth in a Windows 11 VM.

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