cover of episode 2.5 Admins 227: Six Day Certs

2.5 Admins 227: Six Day Certs

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2.5 Admins

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专注于 IT 自动化和网络安全的技术专家
@Joe : Windows 原生 SSH 客户端发送的遥测数据过于激进,实时发送连接信息等元数据,类似于警方获取通讯记录。虽然理解微软收集这些数据的动机,例如了解客户端软件和密码套件的使用情况,以便改进和淘汰旧技术,但其实时性令人担忧。建议使用其他 SSH 客户端,例如 OpenSSH 或 PuTTY。 @Alan : 微软收集大量遥测数据,但其内容和触发条件并不总是透明的。Windows SSH 客户端的遥测数据易于被网络管理员发现,因为它会实时发送版本信息等元数据。该遥测数据包含过多细节,例如支持的加密算法和 MAC,甚至包含主机密钥信息,这显得过于冗余。 @Jim : 建议使用其他 SSH 客户端替代 Windows 内置客户端,以避免发送遥测数据。如果必须使用 Windows 内置 SSH 客户端,可以从 GitHub 获取项目代码自行构建,以禁用遥测功能。 Jim: Let's Encrypt 将提供有效期为 6 天的证书,以应对浏览器厂商推动证书有效期缩短的趋势。对于已自动化证书续期的用户,6 天证书的影响较小;但对于未自动化证书续期的用户,6 天证书将增加工作量。Let's Encrypt 需要扩展基础设施以应对 6 天证书带来的挑战。6 天证书需要更频繁的监控和更快的响应速度。Let's Encrypt 将推出 6 天有效期的证书,但 90 天有效期的证书仍将保留一段时间。推出 6 天证书是明智之举,有助于适应浏览器厂商的政策。缩短证书有效期是安全方面的改进,可以降低被盗密钥的风险,并促使更好的自动化和监控。6 天证书政策是对所有让 SSL 证书过期的人的一种“严厉的爱”。 Alan: 如果拥有域名但不使用其发送邮件,则应创建 SPF 和 DMARC 记录,以减少垃圾邮件并保护域名声誉。没有 SPF 和 DMARC 记录可能会损害域名声誉,导致邮件投递问题和防火墙拦截。正确配置 DMARC 可以接收有关冒充域名的垃圾邮件报告。不正确的域名声誉可能会影响 SEO。互联网通信具有对抗性,与垃圾邮件发送者关联会带来负面影响。 关于 Synology NAS 性能问题,可能是由于 NFS 连接单线程、Synology 的 Btrfs 或硬盘问题导致的。如果 NAS 本地也出现延迟,则问题可能出在 Synology 的 Btrfs 或硬盘上。网络饱和可能会导致文件传输过程中的延迟,Wi-Fi 的半双工特性会加剧网络饱和情况下的延迟。FreeBSD 和 Linux 上的 NFS 可以利用服务器端文件复制来优化性能。接近饱和的硬盘写入速度会造成高延迟,高负载下的硬盘写入会造成高延迟。RAID 1 镜像在写入时只会使用一个硬盘,这会降低性能。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why is Microsoft's SSH telemetry on Windows considered aggressive?

Microsoft's SSH telemetry sends information about every SSH connection in real time, including client versions and cipher suites. While it doesn't track who connected, the instantaneous nature of the data collection feels invasive, similar to how law enforcement collects call metadata. This level of detail, especially for server-side connections, is seen as excessive and unnecessary for legitimate purposes like retiring outdated ciphers.

What specific data does Microsoft's SSH telemetry collect?

Microsoft's SSH telemetry collects the version of SSH used, remote protocol error lists, peer versions, supported ciphers, compression mechanisms, message authentication codes, and proposed host keys. This includes detailed metadata about the connection setup, which is more information than Microsoft would reasonably need for operational purposes.

Why is Let's Encrypt introducing six-day certificates?

Let's Encrypt is introducing six-day certificates to enhance security by reducing the validity period of SSL certificates. This move aligns with industry trends, such as Apple and Google pushing for shorter certificate lifespans to prevent misuse of expired domains or stolen keys. Automation makes frequent renewals manageable, and shorter cycles ensure compromised certificates are invalidated faster.

What challenges does Let's Encrypt face with six-day certificates?

Let's Encrypt must scale its infrastructure to handle a significant increase in certificate issuance, potentially up to 100 million certificates per day in the future. Additionally, shorter validity periods require better monitoring and faster response times to renewal failures, as there is less buffer time to address issues before certificates expire.

Why should domain owners set up SPF and DMARC records even if they don't send email?

Setting up SPF and DMARC records prevents spammers from using the domain for phishing or spam, protecting the domain's reputation. Without these records, spam sent from the domain can lead to blacklisting, affecting future email delivery or even causing firewalls to block the domain entirely. Proper DMARC configuration also allows domain owners to receive reports on fraudulent email activity.

What causes sluggish performance during file transfers on a Synology NAS?

Sluggish performance during file transfers on a Synology NAS is often due to network saturation, especially when using NFS over a 1Gbps connection. If the drives are CMR and not SMR, the bottleneck is likely the network or the single-threaded nature of NFS. Running IOstat or checking local performance via SSH can help identify if the issue is with the drives or the network setup.

How can NFS performance be improved during file transfers?

NFS performance can be improved by enabling server-side file copying, which avoids the need to transfer data over the network. On file systems like ZFS or ButterFS, using features like reflinks or block reference trees allows files to be cloned locally, reducing network load. Additionally, ensuring the network is not saturated and using multi-threaded NFS configurations can help.

The episode discusses the telemetry data sent by Windows' built-in SSH client to Microsoft. Concerns are raised about the amount of data transmitted and the real-time nature of the transmission, questioning whether it's an overstep of privacy.
  • Windows' SSH client sends telemetry data to Microsoft upon each connection.
  • The telemetry includes connection metadata such as client and server versions, cipher suites, and host keys.
  • Concerns raised about the real-time transmission and potential privacy implications.

Shownotes Transcript

Windows ssh is sending more telemetry than you might think, Let’s Encrypt will offer 6 days certificates, a PSA about domains that don’t send emails, and performance issues in a Synology NAS.


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Winter 2024 Roundup: Storage and Network Diagnostics


ssh on Windows sends telemetry


Let’s Encrypt to offer 6 day certs

Important reminder, if you own a domain name and don’t use it for sending email

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We were asked about performance issues in a Synology NAS.


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