The diagnostic criteria for Anorexia Nervosa include: A) Restricted energy intake leading to significantly low body weight for age, sex, and developmental trajectory; B) Intense fear of gaining weight or becoming fat, or persistent behavior that interferes with weight gain; C) Disturbance in self-perceived weight or shape, or persistent lack of recognition of the seriousness of the current low body weight.
DSM-5 has limitations as it is symptom-based, which can lead to overdiagnosis or misdiagnosis. It does not account for environmental, educational, or mental health factors that may influence eating behaviors. Additionally, it primarily focuses on mainstream populations and may not adequately address the needs of marginalized groups like LGBTQIA+ individuals.
Bulimia Nervosa involves recurrent episodes of binge eating followed by compensatory behaviors like vomiting or excessive exercise to prevent weight gain. Binge Eating Disorder, on the other hand, involves recurrent episodes of binge eating without the compensatory behaviors, leading to feelings of distress and guilt.
Common psychological traits include low self-esteem, lack of self-worth, black-and-white thinking, feelings of emptiness, a strong need for control, insecurity, difficulty in social interactions, and distrust of oneself and others. Additionally, factors like fatphobia, orthorexia, gender dysphoria, and cultural adaptation stress can also play a role.
The severity of Bulimia Nervosa is categorized based on the frequency of inappropriate compensatory behaviors: Mild (1-3 episodes per week), Moderate (4-7 episodes per week), Severe (8-13 episodes per week), and Extreme (14 or more episodes per week).
A nutritionist plays a crucial role in treating eating disorders by providing personalized dietary plans, addressing nutritional deficiencies, and helping individuals develop a healthier relationship with food. They also work collaboratively with other healthcare professionals to address the psychological and emotional aspects of eating disorders.
Examples of OSFED include atypical Anorexia Nervosa, atypical Bulimia Nervosa, atypical Binge Eating Disorder, Purging Disorder, and Night Eating Syndrome. These disorders do not meet the full criteria for specific eating disorders but still cause significant distress and impairment.
Understanding the underlying causes of eating disorders is crucial for effective treatment. It helps in identifying the emotional, psychological, and environmental factors contributing to the disorder, allowing for a more comprehensive and personalized approach to therapy and nutritional intervention.
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5)是用来诊断饮食失调疾病的标准。它只是一个参考的工具,在使用的过程也要了解它是有局限性的。任何饮食行为问题都很特殊。任何饮食失调的治疗都无法套用公式。
05:25 神经性厌食症
09:02 贪食症
11:50 暴食症
12:45 其他特定喂养或进食障碍
13:46 非典型厌食症
14:03 夜食综合症
14:52 异食癖
15:20 反刍障碍
15:45 回避/限制性食物摄入障碍
17:46 DSM - 5 局限性
25:15 饮食失调患者心理
27:37 作为营养咨询师的观点和态度
【节目 - 营养不营养】
营养界喜欢用这句话 - You are what you eat. 这里我想表达:You eat WHAT YOU NEED (And WHAT YOU WANT)。这里我们聊最实用的营养知识,也聊生活的salt and pepper。构成一个营养不营养的内容。
Strange Roses - Ady Suleiman
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