Under the Influence gives listeners a rare backstage pass into the hallways, boardrooms and recordin
This week, we look at 21st Century Brands. Only 14 years into a new era, and it's astounding to look
This week, we look at how companies sell death. While death is usually a forbidden word in advertisi
This week, we discuss what happens when founders are the face of a company. No one can relay the pa
This week, we look at the subtle art of "nudging." Schools, marketers and even governments are now u
This week on Under The Influence, it's Terry O'Reilly's annual episode where he features four brands
This week we air our annual book show. The research for Under The Influence requires a lot of readin
The marketing industry is a business of short, concise messages. Be it the confines of 30 seconds, t
This week, we explore how the weather affects marketing. With 75 years of climate data cross-referen
In this episode, we look at famous people who began their careers in advertising. Many of the people
In this episode, we look at the wild and crazy world of Viral Videos. Some brands spend big money on
After a 100 years of Mass Production - where one size fit all - 21st century marketing is movin
This week, we look at Ambush Marketing. It's a form of marketing where a brand tried to connect itse
Just in time for the Sochi Olympics, we take the opportunity to look at the big-money world of Olymp
Unlike public service announcements or corporate philanthropy, Cause Marketing is when a Not-For-Pro
In this episode, we explore how we're all influenced by pricing. Like how the price of a bottle of w
In our first episode of Season 3, we explore #1 Brands. We'll look at popular categories and identif
It's our last episode of the season. And every year, we turn our annual season finale over to listen
This penultimate show of the season features the various lessons I've learned over the course of my
It’s become a $2 billion dollar industry. And the marketing of dead celebrities not only attrac
This episode explores the arrival of real-time advertising. Over the past 100 years, advertisers cou