This season of the Verywell Mind Podcast will be focused on the power of community and hosted by Min
Kyle Guy is an NBA player who has battled anxiety both on and off the court. He's learned a lot abou
We all make mistakes. Some mistakes are thinking errors—like assuming the reason your friend didn’t
You likely know Nikki Sixx from the legendary rock band Mötley Crüe. He's the bassist and the primar
When you repeat a mistake, you might be tempted to draw inaccurate conclusions about yourself. You m
Kati Morton is a licensed marriage and family therapist who runs a private practice in Santa Monica,
When we’re faced with tough situations or unfair circumstances, our tendency is to fight against the
Helen Russell is a journalist, author, and happiness researcher. She's written several books on happ
JoJo is a GRAMMY Award-Winning singer, songwriter, and actress. She chose to start talking about her
You’ve likely seen Matthew McConaughey in one of his movies, like Dazed and Confused, How to Lose a
There are many undisputed benefits of being a positive, optimistic person. And if you aren’t natural
Katy Milkman is a professor at the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania and the host of
Many people view vulnerability as a sign of weakness. After all, when you’re vulnerable you put your
Ally Love is the in-arena host of the Brooklyn Nets, and she’s a Peloton instructor. She’s also the
On the surface, it seems like hearing nice things about yourself would help you feel good. After all
It’s scary at first to acknowledge that you can’t control something. You can’t force your parents to
Dave Hollis is a New York Times best-selling author. He’s also the host of the Rise Together podcast
Hosting a podcast from a sailboat in the Florida Keys is fun, but it certainly poses a few challenge
Brian Pilecki is a psychologist based in Portland, Oregon. He’s passionate about the potential for p
The link between financial health and mental health goes both ways. Debt may increase your risk of m
Celeste Headlee is a journalist, speaker, and co-host of Retro Report, a weekly series on PBS. She’s