Bask in the simple joys of being right. The Michael Knowles Show cuts through the madness of our pol
A lady accuses President Trump of sexual harassment 31 years ago, praying in your head is now illega
Kamala trots out a drag queen press secretary in PA, Trump defends persecuted Christians, and anothe
The lib media say it's normal not to know election results on election night, Tim Walz calls Trump g
Voting shenanigans pop up in a key swing state, Newsweek fact-checks President Trump’s photo as a Pi
A "dead" man wakes up as doctors prepare to harvest his organs, a former "Bachelorette" star fakes a
In this exciting episode of YES or NO, Michael Knowles is joined by actor and author Kirk Cameron as
Barack Obama and Joe Biden get caught dissing Kamala at Ethel Kennedy’s funeral; Jimmy Carter does n
Kamala Harris, last night, sat down for her first non-friendly interview in at least four years, Sei
A bodycam vindicates a cop who killed a “person of color,” a trans-identifying coach at a public hig
Bill Clinton accidentally torches Kamala on the campaign trail, one in five Zoomers don’t hate Hitle
One in 18 American high school students doesn't know what gender he is, according to the CDC; a Vene
Get ready as Senators Tim Scott and Bill Hagerty join Michael Knowles in this special episode of YES
Gretchen Whitmer makes a blasphemous, vaguely pornographic video with a prominent liberal journalist
A University of Kansas professor says men who don’t vote for Kamala should be shot, Tim Walz calls t
The UN effectively abolishes International Lesbian Day, Charlamagne says the Trump-Vance messaging i
Kamala has the worst week of her campaign as reporters finally start asking tough questions, the Whi
President Trump makes his triumphant return to the site of his near assassination, Senator Ron Johns
Join Michael Knowles as he takes you on a deep dive into Dante Alighieri’s masterpiece, “The Divine
Pennsylvania Democrats get caught trying to rig the election, Kamala Harris finds herself in a "Me T
The Democrats launch an October Surprise, Melania comes out in support of abortion, and Kamala Harri