Puck senior political correspondent Tara Palmeri is here to help you get through what may be the mos
Tara is joined by Republican consultant and former chief of staff to Mitch McConnell, Josh Holmes, a
Tara starts the pod by sharing her reporting on Ivanka Trump's possible return to the world of polit
Tara is joined by journalist and MSNBC news anchor Ali Velshi to discuss his forthcoming book, ‘Smal
Tara is joined by Puck’s own Teddy Schleifer and they begin their conversation by breaking down the
Tara is joined by Republican political strategist John McLaughlin to discuss the hot-button issues t
Tara is joined by Puck’s own Abby Livingston to discuss the political chaos surrounding House Speake
Tara is joined by political strategist Nathan Daschle, and they begin their conversation by talking
Tara is joined by CNN legal analyst Elie Honig to discuss the first day of the Donald Trump hush mon
Tara is joined by Puck’s own Teddy Schleifer, and they begin their conversation by discussing the GO
Tara is joined by Republican political consultant Sam Nunberg to share their reactions to Donald Tru
Tara is joined by CNN political commentator David Urban to discuss the religious revival surrounding
Tara starts the pod by detailing the vibes in the MSNBC newsroom after the Ronna McDaniel hiring/fir
Tara and Puck’s own Bill Cohan get together to share their reactions to the news of the N.Y. appeals
Tara is joined by political consultant Sam Nunberg and they begin their conversation by discussing S
Tara is joined by New York Times correspondent Katie Rogers to discuss Katie’s latest book, ‘America
Former White House communications director Anthony Scaramucci joins Tara to share his insights into
Tara is joined by Puck’s own Teddy Schleifer to discuss the state of Donald Trump’s campaign fundrai
Tara is joined by Michigan senatorial candidate Hill Harper to discuss his grassroots campaign and t
Tara and Marc Caputo from The Bulwark take a break from Donald Trump’s Super Tuesday victory party f
Tara is joined by Hunter Walker, author of the book ‘The Truce: Progressives, Centrists, and the Fut