We educate and entertain expectant mothers and those hoping to become pregnant. Each episode feature
More and more women are opting to have their babies as natural as possible, and for some, that inclu
Many traditional medications aren't safe during pregnancy, so what options do you have for relief? T
An ultrasound is your first opportunity to see your baby face-to-face. It can also provide important
Every day we take our prenatal vitamins to ensure our babies are getting all the nutrients they need
If you're pregnant, you may have already experienced little bouts of forgetfulness. It's called "pre
Traveling during pregnancy is cause for concern for many soon-to-be parents. So what are the facts?
Your body is currently experiencing many changes, and those changes are prompted by hormones. In wha
Today's expecting mothers are much more proactive in their approach to childbirth preparation, and t
You're at least halfway through your pregnancy and your symptoms may be changing. Your growing belly
You're pregnant and you may not even know it yet. For many women, it's the early pregnancy symptoms
Planning your baby registry can seem a bit overwhelming. If you're planning to breastfeed your baby,
The temperatures outside are rising — right along with your growing belly. And keeping your body coo
The process of conceiving a child is nothing short of a miracle. What exactly needs to happen in ord
Your body is changing — growing belly, growing breasts — so your wardrobe is bound to change. So, ho
Whether you’re giving birth naturally, or planning for an epidural, it’s all starts with having a bi
Frequent trips to the bathroom? You're not alone. But, what if your ability to control your bladder
Most pregnant women will experience at least one food craving or aversions during their pregnancy. S
Do you know your blood type? When you're pregnant, the Rh factor in your blood type is important bec
You had a cesarean with your first baby, and now you're pregnant again. Should you plan for another
While you may need to forego you favorite drink while you're expecting, you shouldn't have to miss o