We educate and entertain expectant mothers and those hoping to become pregnant. Each episode feature
The Blessingway ceremony is growing in popularity. This alternative to a baby shower is an opportuni
You think you're having contractions, so it's off to the hospital you go! So, what should you expect
You've been trying to conceive a baby, but not having much luck. Could there be a medical issue prev
Planning and saving for a new baby can be a challenge, especially if you don't know exactly what you
Let's face it. There's a lot of pressure to find the perfect baby name. What are the current nationa
How do you know when labor is "the real thing" and not a false alarm? This is the question many preg
Pregnancy is a remarkable and transformative experience, but it comes with its unique set of challen
When pregnant, being on bedrest may seem like a much-deserved break. However, bedrest can also be ch
There's a lot of unknowns when it comes to being pregnant, and you may not be 100% comfortable askin
Dilating to a full 10 centimeters is important if you're hoping for a vaginal birth. And having cerv
Being plus-size and pregnant in today's world can be challenging. Still, overweight women all over t
It’s no secret that pregnancy takes a toll on the mother’s body. Most parts of your body are probabl
Congratulations! You just found out you're pregnant. So, who do you tell the big news? How do you te
Sometimes birth plans don't unfold the way we want, and that may mean more medical intervention such
Exercise during pregnancy is important, but working out when you already have little ones can seem i
Being pregnant while serving in the military can be challenging, but there are also some great resou
If your labor and delivery is three hours or less, it's called precipitous labor. And while the thou
Prenatal Yoga classes are growing in popularity, but is it right for you? What can you expect should
Life gets more busy when your little one finally makes her grand debut. Why not celebrate your pendi
You've heard of contractions during labor and delivery, but what about back labor? What exactly is b