Preggie Pals: Your Pregnancy, Your Way

We educate and entertain expectant mothers and those hoping to become pregnant. Each episode feature


Total: 151

While you may need to forego you favorite drink while you're expecting, you shouldn't have to miss o

Sex and Pregnancy


Pregnancy changes you, both physically and emotionally. So, it only makes sense that sex would be im

Your water breaks. What do you do now? It's not always as dramatic as the movies make it out to be,

There are many reasons you may need to have a fetal non-stress test, or NST, during your pregnancy.

The placenta is an amazing organ providing nourishment to your baby throughout your pregnancy. But d

Pregnancy causes stress on your body and one of the areas impacted the most is your pelvic floor. Wh

Pregnancy is usually a happy, healthy event. But some moms-to-be may experience complications or chr

When pregnant, your body may have a more difficult time processing sugar. This condition is known as

By now, you've probably heard that breast is best. But why? Why is breast milk considered the perfec

Gaining weight during pregnancy is inevitable. Your baby's growth and development depend on it. Howe

Pregnancy is an amazing time in your life- filled with lots of new changes. What exactly is happenin

Where should you birth your baby? If a hospital doesn't feel right but home birth is also out of you

Water can help you relieve pressure throughout your pregnancy, so it only makes sense that giving bi

It's one the biggest questions on your mind after finding out you're pregnant- is it a boy or girl?

Pregnant women usually experience symptoms such an extreme fatigue, body aches, and nausea. You may

Regardless of how you deliver your baby, you will need to rely on a team of health care providers to

Your pregnant body is constantly growing. And while we love our beautiful bodies, most of us could p

Risks and Benefits of VBACs


If you didn't get the vaginal birth you wanted, you may be considering a VBAC with your next baby. V

Your uterus is your baby's home for the next nine months. But what do you really know about this vit

The Stages of Labor


Our bodies experience three stages of labor during childbirth. What are the three stages, what exact