Normal Gossip delivers juicy, strange, funny, and utterly banal gossip about people you’ll never kno
The editor becomes the edited this week because our editor Justin Ellis is joining us for a story ab
This week's episode features daddy issues, rollerblades, and comedian Marlena Rodriguez! Some of you
We are back and pettier than ever with season 6! We're joined by our Radiotopia colleague and host o
Alex and Jae spent the last month trying to find the source of a tale we first heard back in season
Popping into your feeds for a cute lil announcement — we are going on a mini tour this spring! Come
Defector editor David Roth joins us for our SEASON FINALE! We're about to dive into the stupidest el
Survivor 41 winner Erika Casupanan joins us this week for a story about the perils of gossiping at w
Hayes Brown joins us to learn just how deranged the world of upscale dog grooming can be. Follow Ha
Our Defector colleague Maitreyi Anantharaman joins us for a story about private school moms taking a
This week, our pal Zakiya Gibbons joins us for a story about a Thanksgiving home rental gone horribl
We're going abroad for a long-awaited au pair adventure with writer and podcast host Amanda Montell!
TV writer and showrunner Sarah-Violet Bliss joins us for an evening of moral quandaries and infinite
Comedian Jasmine Ellis joins us for a tale about an absurdly large bachelorette party involving sard
What happens when you send a manic pixie dream girl to CSI summer camp? Journalist, writer, law scho
We are BACK for our fifth season! Get ready for 10 episodes of drama, scandal, and pettiness. This w
We're releasing an episode from our secret feed vault to give you a taste of what you can get each m
Happy summer! We’re popping in with a little summer surprise: the recording from our December 2022 l
Friend of the show and fellow Defector comrade Patrick Redford is on the public feed for the first t
Sally Tamarkin and Caroline Moss get extremely triggered in this episode about a chill bride and her
Mariah Smith joins us for a true crime adventure. PSA: This is the EIGHTH of ten episodes this seas