Meaningful Ideas on the Parsha

A 9 minutes or less shiur on the Parsha, grounded in Chazal and the Rishonim. Goal is to show how th


Total: 235

How is the mourning period we practice, connected to the purpose of the days of Sefirah, which is to

Exploring the approach of the Shaarei Teshuva that life is all about being Mekadeish Shem Shamayim.

How can we overcome grudges against those that harm us? Halacha and Hashkafa from the Chofetz Chaim

One of my favorite ideas I have heard from my Mora Diasra Rav Hershel Welcher. Explaining why they w

Fascinating insight of the Ramban in the Pasuk of Vchai Bahem. How does our relationship with Mitzvo

Special Pesach Shiur about Bitachon from Kriyas Yam Suf. What do Chazal mean when they say Parnasah

We have a Mitzvah throughout the year to remember Yetzias Mitzrayim. What is the special Mitzvah tha

Why does the Gemarah in Nedarim say a Poor person, Metzorah, Blind Person, and a Childless person ar

Presenting our first guest lecture, by my good friend Rabbi Dovid Lederman. Exploring how we can cel

Analyzing the Rambam at the end of Hilchos Tumas Tzaraas. Rambam warns about the progressions in Los

A little early, but wanted to upload it on his Yartzeit Liluy Neshmaso. Is the Matzah a Zecher for A

Upon the loss of Rav Shmaryahu Yosef Chaim Kanievsky Zt'l, a dvar Torah about our reactions to the l

A vort on the first Rashi. Why would Aharon need special encouragement for bringing the Olah over th

Should the community do things to enable people to do their Aveiros in a less forbidden way? Why was

Beautiful three minute vort from the Chasam Sofer about Hashgachas Hashem and wars. Why does the Meg

An idea from the Chiddushei Halev in love for Mitzvos. Why did Hashem want Moshe alone to do it? Why

Interesting Gemarah in Shabbos suggests the whole Shevet Levi may have been ten amos tall, not just

Chazal say in Nedarim 38 that Hashem only gives Nevuah to one who is strong, wise, rich, and humble.

Deeper then what I normally do, but I hope I was able to break it down enough. An idea based on the

Why did Aharon agree to help with the Chet HaEgel, rather than die Al Kiddush Hashem? Could there be