Meaningful Ideas on the Parsha

A 9 minutes or less shiur on the Parsha, grounded in Chazal and the Rishonim. Goal is to show how th


Total: 227

Brachos 12b says Chazal wanted to make Birchos Bilaam part of Kriyas Shema. Why would they want to d

What is the connection between the Chet Haegel and the Parah Adumah? Why is Parah Adumah praised fo

Why did Moshe have to reach out to make peace with Dathan and Aviram? Why was it his responsibility?

Why is Tzitzis such an important and significant Mitzvah? How are they the special badge of honor th

Wanted to share an amazing daher about what Rav Chaim Kanievsky gave up for Klal Yisrael. Episode ar

How does the Torah frame the Parsha of Sotah as one of bringing peace between husband and wife? Can

Why does the Torah repeat the Parsha of the Nesiim 12 times? How they brought the same types of offe

How does learning Torah connect us to Hakadosh Baruch Hu? What is the Yeshiva world approach to spir

Before Kabalas HaTorah, we need to focus on how we can grow in learning and in persevering with all

Why did Shevet Levi need to be counted separately from the rest of the Jewish people? If they w

Why is the Bracha that we should have satiation from eating a minimal amount? Why isn't the Bracha t

Pirkei Avos tells us Exile and Plague come from disregard for Shemitah. The 70 years in Bavel corres

How is the mourning period we practice, connected to the purpose of the days of Sefirah, which is to

Exploring the approach of the Shaarei Teshuva that life is all about being Mekadeish Shem Shamayim.

How can we overcome grudges against those that harm us? Halacha and Hashkafa from the Chofetz Chaim

One of my favorite ideas I have heard from my Mora Diasra Rav Hershel Welcher. Explaining why they w

Fascinating insight of the Ramban in the Pasuk of Vchai Bahem. How does our relationship with Mitzvo

Special Pesach Shiur about Bitachon from Kriyas Yam Suf. What do Chazal mean when they say Parnasah

We have a Mitzvah throughout the year to remember Yetzias Mitzrayim. What is the special Mitzvah tha

Why does the Gemarah in Nedarim say a Poor person, Metzorah, Blind Person, and a Childless person ar