A 9 minutes or less shiur on the Parsha, grounded in Chazal and the Rishonim. Goal is to show how th
Noach originally sent a raven as his messenger, but the raven refused to go. Some lessons to be lear
A tangible approach to one of the most difficult parshiyos in the Torah. How could Adam Harishon ma
Hi, One last idea from the heart, to end off the second season of these Divrei Torah. Chazal tell us
The Midrash says Moshe was buried by Hashem Himself, and merited that because he involved himself in
Chazal say Heaven and Earth are witness to the Shirah, and that we should learn from their faithful
Moshe says if the people rebelled even during his lifetime, then Kal Vachomer after his death they w
Short vort on the Mitzvah of UBacharta Bachaim, to choose life. A mitzvah to choose life in this wor
Moshe gives Klal Yisrael chizuk amid the klalos, lest they feel overwhelmed. Similarly, we need to b
The Torah tells us we will be punished for not doing the Mitzvos with the proper simcha. Thoughts ab
Helping one load his animal is only when the owner is involved as well. The Chofetz Chaim's sharf mu
Short bonus clip on a sharp connection between emunah and following politics made by the Shomer Emun
If Mishpat is so chashuv that the judges can be like partners in creation, why is a Beis Din bloody
The Torah warns against following miracle workers who tell you to worship Avodah Zarah. How do they
What does Hashem want from us? The Ramchal's elaboration on Moshe Rabbeinu's instructions in this we
Some thoughts from Israel about our needs, and what we need when we compare ourselves to others. Wha
Kesubos 66b tells us Ashreichem Yisrael that when we sink, we sink to the lowest depths and the lowl
Why does Moshe bless the Jewish people that they should have great numbers, after mentioning that th
Why does the Torah repeat the story of the springs and date palms when summarizing the list of trave
Bnei Gad and Reuvain asked to be across the Yardein because of their vast wealth of property. Chazal
Chazal tell us the Bnei Korach did Teshuva and survived. What inspired them to do so, and what can w