A 9 minutes or less shiur on the Parsha, grounded in Chazal and the Rishonim. Goal is to show how th
Chazal tell us Aharon was rewarded with the Urim Vetumim on the Lev, partly because he was Sameach w
Why does the Torah tell us to give, then what to give, and then what it's for? Shouldn't the order b
Why does the Torah place such a strong emphasis on only using Torah based courts? How important it i
An incredible perspective on the advice of Yisro to Moshe regarding delgation, and the two sides of
A short lesson we can learn from the way Moshe built up Yehoshua. Never underestimate your influence
Split this week into two shiurim. Ideas in the Shiras HaYam from the aspect of mercifulness shown to
Why was Rosh Chodesh the first Mitzva given to the Jewish people? Some thoughts on our impact on the
The 4th language of Geulah, ולקחתי , the pasuk says that Hashem will take us as a nation when He giv
Why did Hashem increase the suffering of the slavery after sending Moshe the first time? What was th
Why did Yosef pass away before his brothers? Three Pshatim in Chazal, and the lessons we can learn f
The Torah tells us when the brothers told Yaakov that Yosef was alive, he didn't belive them. Why wo
Some insights on the aspects of the Midah Kneged Midah at play in the story of Yosef and his brother
Why is there no Mitzvah of Seudah on Chanukah the way there is on Purim? The approaches of the Levus
Rashi quotes Chazal teach us that Yosef was taken in a caravan filled with good spices. How did that
Chazal refer to this Parsha as the Parsha of Galus, and bring many lessons from it. A few ideas from
Chazal tell us Leah would have been married to Eisev if not for her tears and prayers. Some thoughts
Midrash says Yitzchak sensed Yakum Ish Tzroros and Yosef Meshisa and they helped provide an impetus
Chazal talk about the power and influence the wife has over the righteousness of her husband, yet th
Rashi says Hashem informed Avraham about Sedom because you tell a father before punishing his son. H
One of the Ten Nisyonos of Avraham Avinu was giving himself a Bris Milah. Why was that such a big Ni