Meaningful Ideas on the Parsha

A 9 minutes or less shiur on the Parsha, grounded in Chazal and the Rishonim. Goal is to show how th


Total: 227

The Ramban says the Torah lists the 42 places the Jews encamped in the worldness so we can see where

The Torah tells us Moshe brought the claims of the Bnos Tzelafchad before Hashem. Why didn't he answ

Chiddushim in the rewards Og and Balak recieved for their actions. A famous Chofetz Chaim shmuess ab

Chazal tell us that Korach was a great person, and are surprised he succumbed to this Nisayon. They

Chazal tell us the Meraglim, and that whole generation, were killed out because they spoke Lashon H

The Torah tells us about 3 who had a Mitzvah to shave their hair, one being the Leviim at their inau

The Inaugural Karbanos of the Nesiim all came with tremendous symbolism unique to their shevet. Yiss

Why do Chazal talk about 613 Mitzvos, when there are clearly thousands of Mitzvos? An idea from the

The Midrash says after the building of the Mishkan, Hashem stopped speaking to Moshe in public, beca

The Torah lists six La'avin on one who lends with Ribbis, and two on one who pays back Ribbis. Why i

The Midrash tell us the Kohen Gadol should be the Gadol in beauty, wealth, wisdom, and physical stre

The Torah warns us not to embarrass other people. How can we be more careful not to hurt others unwi

What can we learn from Tzaraas today? Lessons in Hashgacha Pratis from the Sefer HaChinuch. Thanks f

Why was it important for Moshe to publicize that he had forgotten a Halacha? Should we share our mis

What is Amda for us so that Hashem should help us in every generation? The understanding of the Netz

Why did the Kohen have to change from the regular Bigadim for the Hotzaas Hadeshen? Was it a dirtier

Why do we burn the stomach of an animal on the Mizbeach, but not the stomach of a bird? Can one rede

Why does the Parsha keep repeating that Moshe did as Hashem had commanded him? How can we increase t

The Torah makes it clear that Hashem chose Betzalel, yet Chazal say the people were consulted on it.

After the Chet Haegel, Moshe was taught the 13 Middos of Rachamim. Some exploration of the Middos o