A 9 minutes or less shiur on the Parsha, grounded in Chazal and the Rishonim. Goal is to show how th
Thoughts on the Bigadim of the Kohanim, the messages our clothing give, and the effects they have. W
Beautiful idea from Rav Simcha Zissel Broide. Why do we have a goat hair cover on top of the woven c
2021 Shiur on Terumah. Beatiful Ramazim of the Kli Yakar, exploring why the Aron Kodesh dimensions a
Something different this week. Focusing on how we absorb information, gain from it, and in
The Shiur from 2021. Two Chofetz Chaim Shmuessin on why the one who steals a sheep pays 4, yet one w
Exploring some of the changes in Klal Yisrael and in our relationship with the Torah that occurred w
The first Dvar Torah I wrote for this series. A beautiful Shmuess on the defense Hashem provide
Analyzing the pinnacle line of Shiras HaYam. Why was הּ' ימלך לעולם ועד the new Shirah they sang at
Is darkness just the absence of light, or is it it's own reality? How can the same individual expres
How did the mechanics of the Makkos work, and what did they teach us about the way the world works?
Why does the Torah name them Shifra and Puah after the way they cared for the babies? Shouldn't they
Analyzing the first Rashi in the Parsha. Why is it so essential that the time of the redemption
Lessons from Yosef's Wagons. What made him choose the wagons as the siman for Yaakov, how did he kno
Ideas in the understanding the Yetzer Harah, based on the Chiddushei Helev and the Ohr Yisrael. Why
Shiur on Chanukah based on a beautiful piece by Rav Gedaliah Schorr. Parallels between the stor
Why is the story of Mechiras Yosef written in a way that gives Apikorsim so much ammunition? A vort
Why does the root of all evil come from the best of Eisav's descendants? An amazing Yesod from Rav T
Why did Yaakov want to marry Rachel over Leah? The approach of Rav Aharon Kotler to the unique midah
This is one of my all time favorite Divrei Torah. I have always taken tremendous Chizuk from it, and
My own idea this week, dating back to my years in Yeshiva. How could it be a zechus for Avraham to l