Meaningful Ideas on the Parsha

A 9 minutes or less shiur on the Parsha, grounded in Chazal and the Rishonim. Goal is to show how th


Total: 226

Why did Hashem give us a Mitzvah of Shiluach Hakan? Different approaches to Shiluach Hakan, the two

Why do the zomemin loose if it's a two-on-two? Why do they only get punished if the verdict is not e

Insights into how we judge poor people, and some suprising ideas in Bechira. Why would Tzedakah incl

Is there a mitzvah in the Torah to reframe challenges in a positive light, or is it just healthy liv

Why couldn't Moshe at least be buried in Eretz Yisrael, and how does it affect us?

A very powerful medrash about the kinnah Eilah Ezkarah and the 10 Harugei Malchus. Story is somewhat

Is showing favoritism or taking one's financial status into consideration when judging a case ever m

Beautiful idea from the Ramban about the importance of Nedarim and taking halacha seriously. Also di

Some thoughts on Parshas Pinchas and on Sinas Chinam. Why was the Maaseh Zimri so chamur, and why is

There is a very powerful Gemara about how the Yetzer Harah ensnared the people into sinning with the

An incredible idea from the Ohr HaChaim Hakadosh explaining the Chet, and how this story had such an

Why were the pans the 250 members of Reuvain brought Ketoros on holy? If one does an Averiah with go

What inspired Moshe to keep defending the Jewish people when they kept rebelling against him, and Ha

A very nice idea about the Meraglim and the Teshuva that Yisrael did after the Chet. My own insight.

One of Moshe's arguments to Yisro to stay with the Jewish people is that he tells him you will be Le

A short from the Nesivos Shalom about why the Beracha is B'ahava. Why is Ahavah an integral part of

An exploration of how they all brought offerings that expressed their individuality, while maintaini

An exploration of the Nazir, and the Jewish approach to materialism. Why does the Torah call him bot

A beautiful thought on the Ramban about why every individual met with Moshe as part of the counting

A connection between these two Parshiyos, and the Yom Tov of Shavuos. The connection Chazal make bet