Called to Change One Life at a Time!
What a blessing it is to be taught how to receive the one thing that matters! Our passover lamb and
The Lord is stirring us up as a body, and we are rightly responding to the revelation that has come
Our weaknesses will not kill us! This was the encouragement we received from brothers Paul Rosales a
The Spirit of God is moving in our midst, and we are responding in full surrender! “Who is Ab
In this honest reflection, Pastors Nick and Payton reminded us that the process of the Lord making u
We were challenged! We were confronted! We are all the better for it! As believers, we know that we
In many ways, this message is about finding the most important lost coin of all. It is at the core o
“Groom Conscious” preached by Pastors Nik, Payton, Matt and Wade was aimed at helping
Rebekah trusted Abraham's servant to get her all the way through the desert until she was one with h
What a revelatory time we had this morning! We were led on a spiritual journey through the biblical
We live in a day and time where everyone wants to be great. This is good, and our heavenly King Jesu
What a powerful time we are having here at LCM! We are fine tuning our faith and our relationships w
We are thriving under the tension that we both have all we need, while at the same time we must hung
Limits are being broken and the light of Christ is shining forth in our midst! “Dawn Arriving
We are making good on the heavenly deposit that has been given to us! Our brothers Justin Linton and
There’s a spiritual shift that has taken place and is showing up in the physical manifestatio
My goodness! When you know that you HAVE received what you asked for in him by faith, that puts on a
We are learning to see the tension as a privilege given to us from our good Father! “Flex On
Our good father disciplines us as the sons that he loves! He gives us the honor of allowing up to pr
No matter how difficult it may be, we are choosing to stand where our King is standing! “Risi