Have you ever heard a commonly held belief or a fast-developing worldview and asked: Is that idea ri
Would you donate a kidney? Would you do it for $50,000? Vox’s Dylan Matthews gave his to a stranger.
Crime peaks during the summer for adults. But the economist Ezra Karger found that the same can’t be
When do fact-checks work? And when do they backfire and cause someone to dig in? Yamil Velez, a poli
Police rarely move between jobs and departments. But according to a paper co-authored by the Univers
Americans love local government. In a December 2023 Pew Research survey, 61 percent of respondents h
There’s a traditional line of thinking about the history of Black people and the law. It describes h
The 2010s saw attitudes—on issues such as race, immigration, and gender—shift to the left. Liberals
Is there such a thing as “balancing the ticket”? How much can a vice-presidential nominee influence
From 1999 and 2019, researchers found that the maternal-mortality rate in the U.S. more than doubled
If Democrats care more about climate change than Republicans, then why is Texas the nation’s leader
America is in a “loneliness epidemic.” But is turning to religion the answer?Host Jerusalem Demsas t
School choice is usually about providing parents an option outside the traditional public school sys
Does everyone really need therapy?The destigmatization of mental health problems—and the normalizati
Does an aging workforce mean greater worker power?One of the takeaways from pro-worker advocates dur
Are young men becoming radicalized? Could they be further to the right than even their fathers and g
In 2020, two major protest movements defined our political landscape: the racial justice protests af
In recent years, there's been an overarching narrative that immigration is seen as an obvious politi
Four years after the Great Remote-Work Experiment began, the public debate has boiled down to: Bosse