Have you ever heard a commonly held belief or a fast-developing worldview and asked: Is that idea ri
We’re often told that there’s “no room for politics at work,” and yet the workplace is one of the mo
Most gun deaths aren’t premeditated, so how can we stop gun violence before it happens? The Universi
Seven years after the Supreme Court struck down a ban on state-sanctioned sports betting, a more com
Government reform isn’t an exclusively partisan issue, so why does it seem to fall under the purview
Amid handwringing about AI’s effect on jobs, creativity, trust, and the environment, a new study sho
What makes someone a NIMBY? The prevailing theory suggests that people support or reject new housing
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is poised to lead the Department of Health and Human Services under President-
Are young men becoming radicalized? Could they be further to the right than even their fathers and g
The key idea behind democracy is that if politicians pass good policy, people will reward them with
New Zealand was in a major housing crisis. But then the Pacific nation actually took ambitious steps
Four years ago, the murder of George Floyd—and the international protests that followed—amplified ca
Last year, nearly half of childless adults under 50 told the Pew Research Center that they didn’t wa
Was leaving behind our nomadic hunter-gatherer lifestyles a mistake? If so, why did so many differen
What exactly happened to the Kamala Harris campaign in this year’s presidential election? Host Jerus
Do higher levels of immigration lead to lower wages? The Atlantic staff writer Rogé Karma breaks dow
Grocery store prices are up. Politicians have tried to pin it on supply-chain problems, price gougin
How is party ideology formed? Is it based on political strategy to garner the most votes? Or is it b
Are tariffs good? Or bad? And why do politicians love to talk about them so much? The economist Scot
How does a nation pull its residents out of poverty and into the developed world? The researcher Oli