Doctor Zaira is here to answer your health related questions. She is a friend who can take complex t
Are you a man and you wonder why you have large breasts? Here I will give you the most common
Having a collapsed healthcare system is something that affects us all. From those who need surgery f
Now that we spend more time at home, we may not be as active as before. For some, their work has alw
It is very easy to think that if I do not have symptoms it’s because I don’t have COVID-19, but have
Have you ever wondered what is really happening in hospitals or clinics in your country, in your cit
If you are a woman and you get a lot of dark hair on your face, or on your chest, back or abdomen, h
Do you have a sore in your mouth, it hurts a lot and you don't know what to do? Here I am going to h
We all know that it is important to drink enough water in the day but few people understand why. Tod
You can’t focus, you’re nervous, can't sleep well or is your heart beating fast? Feeling this most o
If you feel like your sleep is interrupted often and you don't know why, here are the most common re
Do you stay up all night? Are you tired all day? If you have trouble sleeping well, we will give you
Have you ever wondered if drinking coffee is good for your health? The short answer is: yes and no.
Nowadays world nations are in a race to find an effective vaccine against COVID-19. Here I explain w
Have you ever wondered if you should get a flu shot or any other? Does an adult need to keep getting
#immunesystem #fightdisease #improveyourbody Do you want to know what is the best way to impr
You know that you need to exercise but don't have the time or the desire? Here Doctor Zaira will giv
You want to learn to eat healthy but don't know where to start? Don't worry, Doctor Zaira is here to
Want to know what’s your ideal weight? Not sure if you’re overweight or if your weight is normal? Do
¿You smoke and want to quit? ¿You have tried but failed? Doctor Zaira will give you 5 tips to help y
What happens if I have asthma and COVID-19? How should I take care of myself? This is answered