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Highlights: • A no-B.S. plan to emancipating transformation • What is the root causes of someone’s s
HIGHLIGHTS: • What is Seva and why it is important? • New meditation practices since the pandemic •
WATCH NOW HIGHLIGHTS: 1. Newly discovered UFO Scientific Data 2. Prof. Michio Kaku, William Shatner,
Highlights: • How manifestation works • Detangling process when you have heavy beliefs of experience
Highlights: • Mary Magdalene, the Hathors and Star Families • Understanding the Divine Feminine and
Highlights: 1. On overcoming challenges 2. Why Gratitude Is the Antidote 3. On keeping the magic, lo
Highlights: 1. Great intimate sex and commitment at any age 2. A 30 second practice you can do now w
Highlights: - Are interstellar beings partially in this dimension? - How to determine if a spacecraf
Highlights: 1. Quote from Jesse: “Your numbers are alive.” 2. Numbers add planetary energy and chang
Highlights: - How to find your spirit animal guide? - An Oracle Card reading - How Shaman extr
Highlights~ • How to Reach Your Goals and Use Moon Magick • Using the Science of Money to Manifest •
Highlights~ - Understanding our many Karmic Relationships - How to Build a successful Mind-Body-Spri
WATCH NOW: 1) 5G as Skingularity 2) How to break through the current chaos and reset 3) The Ascensio
HIGHLIGHTS ~ 1. How #Aliens taught Caroline what her brain was doing. 2. What’s happening in the #UF
Highlights: 1. The entire 2022 year in detail & what to expect 2. Personal information abo
WATCH NOW HIGHLIGHTS: 1.A rare journey beyond the limits of your waking consciousnesses 2.The Univer
HIGHLIGHTS WATCH NOW: - Lisa does live calls plus healings for us ALL - What to say to change your m
Highlights: 1. Witness testimonies 2. Other worldly metal discovered 3. Poisonous plants growing aft
Lions of Lyra is a 2-piece American Upbeat healing medicine music band that hails form Califor
WATCH NOW HIGHLIGHTS: 1. What being an advanced Arcturian hybrid avatar means? 2. The current #plane