DARE TO DREAM with Debbi Dachinger #heal #ascension #spiritual #UFO #soul #extraterrestrial #channel

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Total: 262

Highlights: 1. Decoding messages from the universe 2. The meaning of common symbols and synchronicit

WHOA!!! Conversation full of goosebumps, downloads and incredible info you can only hear here, on th

Highlights:  1) The supernatural phenomena Susan has experienced  2) The craziest, scaries

Highlights: 1. Sarah’s journey from living in a 1-room recording studio & bankruptcy, to becomin

Highlights: 1. What to expect in the years 2023 and 2024? 2. Feng Shui and physical clutter 3. Tips

Highlights: 1. How Blu turned unworthiness, hearing loss, social anxiety, and financial challenges i

Highlights: 1. Archangel Metatron and Archangel Michael healing tools 2. #SoundFrequency amplifiers

Highlights: 1. Tips to use Runes for transformation 2. Fascinating insights on Norse mythology and V

Highlights: 1. Neil’s research on ancient civilizations 2. New #archaeological discoveries 3. The ul

Highlights: 1) Mentalist Phineas Quimby is channeled with a message for us 2) Details about the New

HIGHLIGHTS: 1) How to #heal money wounds? 2) Predictions on health, money, & the world? 3) #Hist

Hightlights: 1. Who Kryon actually is? 2. How we were designed to live 900 years in our current bodi

1. The magic of surrender and how to get there 2. Helping Spiritual Messengers to experience the Div

HIGHLIGHTS: 1) His Near Death Experience 2) How to change the energy of any negative issue and resol

HIGHLIGHTS: 1. #Psionic (psychic) development 2. What ‘Dream Walking’ is 3. How we can Change our Ge

HIGHLIGHTS: 1) How to access the Akashic Records? 2) Various forms of light language? 3) Insights ar

Highlights: 1. The infinite stream of geniuses with answers & solutions available? 2. How you’re

Highlights: 1) Offering Vedic Astrology for all listeners 2) Astrological global patterns affecting

HIGHLIGHTS: 1) Making Contact - a personal experience of extraterrestrials 2) The true nature of all

Highlights ~ 1. Demystifying the difference between spirits and souls? 2. The science and metaphys