cover of episode don Oscar Miro Quesada: Shamanic Mystery School #shamanism #andeanmysticism on Dare to Dream podcast.

don Oscar Miro Quesada: Shamanic Mystery School #shamanism #andeanmysticism on Dare to Dream podcast.

logo of podcast DARE TO DREAM with Debbi Dachinger #heal #ascension #spiritual #UFO #soul #extraterrestrial #channel

DARE TO DREAM with Debbi Dachinger #heal #ascension #spiritual #UFO #soul #extraterrestrial #channel

Shownotes Transcript


  1. Receiving Ancestral Star Wisdom & engaging in Interdimensional Journeying

  2. Communicating with other dimensions

  3. The Medicine of Wayra

  4. SHAMANISM is the medicine our world needs for seven generations and beyond

  5. Being visited and healed by luminous beings

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I’m speaking with the Originator of the Pachakuti Mesa/ Transmitter of Wisdom Traditions / Vision Keeper of The Heart of the Healer Shamanic Mystery School - Oscar Miro-Quesada Solevo. Oscar is a respected kamasqa curandero and altomisayoq adept from Peru, founder of The Heart of the Healer, originator of Pachakuti Mesa Tradition™ cross-cultural shamanism. An internationally acclaimed shamanic teacher and healer, earth-honoring ceremonialist and author, don Oscar is OAS Fellow in Ethnopsychology and member of the Evolutionary Leaders Circle and Birth 2012 Welcoming Committee. He has been guiding ethno-spiritual pilgrimages to sacred sites of the world since 1986, with special emphasis on Peru and Bolivia. His work has been featured on CNN, Univision, A&E, Discovery Channel and Ancient Aliens. With several books already published, Oscar is now the author of the new book: “SHAMANISM: Personal Quests of Communion with Nature and Creation.” Learn more:

Award-winning "Dare to Dream" podcast, enjoyed by listeners for 15+ years with host, Debbi Dachinger, offers cutting-edge conversation on metaphysics, quantum creating, channeling, healing, UFO's, paranormal and extraterrestrials.

Join me on Instagram: @daretodreampodcast and @debbidachinger

Debbi Dachinger is a Media Visibility certified coach who offers group and private sessions - she coaches you to write a highly engaging book, other service is a fully-done-for-the-author guaranteed international bestselling book launch, runs an anthology book program where she coaches your authors in the book compilation to write their chapter and produces a successful, start to finish, themed anthology book, and last, she teaches how to be Interviewed on radio and podcast shows to get ma$$ive results. Get your free media gift and start being visible now:

#podcast #DebbiDachinger #DareToDream #Instagood #instalove #instawork #instapeople #instatime #health #quantum #Book #spiritual #consciousness #metaphysical #et #transformation #meditate #ceremony #alien #love #beautiful #happy #tbt #followme #nofilter #life #yoga #amazing #FBF #media #podcaster #paranormal #listening #channel #extraterrestrial #wellness #meditation #relationship #love #ceremony #heal #interview #ufo #DebbiDachinger #DareToDream #podcast #donoscarmiroquesada #transdimersional #peru #curandero #Health #HeartoftheHealer #PachakutiMesa #Anthropology # shamanicteacher #altomisayoq #OscarMiroQuesada #Shaman #Native #pachakutimesatradition #universalshamanism #shamanicapprenticeship #ritual #ceremony #healing #sanctionedteachers #sacredcomunity #love #cruzchonta #awakening The show is sponsored by and Access Consciousness.