How #Aliens taught Caroline what her brain was doing.
What’s happening in the #UFO #UAP and ET field right now
The connection of #Consciousness and #Intention with #UFOsightings and #ET interaction
The post #Covid world and its new opportunities
How Blindfold Training awakens innate "Superhuman Skills”
This episode features an award-winning filmmaker and the visionary author of bestselling books on Consciousness Science and Energy Medicine. My guest is Caroline Cory talking about her latest findings in her scientific investigations on UFOs and extraterrestrial contact. During her last production, she teamed up with scientists and technology experts, who were able to record, collect and analyze UFO sightings in real time, over multiple military-grade, state-of-the art devices, in multiple locations, over multiple days. This is a first in ufology and the findings are mind blowing. Caroline will also open up the connection of Consciousness and intention with the various UFO sightings and interaction with potential extraterrestrial life. This is a fascinating conversation that will open doors into future research and understanding of the phenomenon. Among recent accomplishments, her films AMONG US and SUPERHUMAN: THE INVISIBLE MADE VISIBLE have won 9 film awards and multiple nominations at various festivals around the globe. Her latest film A TEAR IN THE SKY, is an unprecedented scientific investigation into UFOs and is due to be out on May 2022. Learn more: https://www.OmniumUniverse.com/
• NEWEST FILM “A Tear In The Sky” www.atearinthesky.com
• “Superhuman: The Invisible Made Visible” www.superhumanfilm.com
• “Among Us” www.godsamongus.com
• Consciousness & Healing Work & Products www.CarolineCory.com
Award-winning "Dare to Dream" podcast, enjoyed by listeners for 14 years with host, Debbi Dachinger, offers strong conversation on metaphysics, quantum creating, law of attraction, healing, and extraterrestrials.
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Debbi Dachinger is a certified coach whose expertise is Visibility in Media. She coaches people to write a page turner book, takes their book to a guaranteed international bestseller, AND pulls back the curtain, so clients have the system to be interviewed on media and podcast and get massive results. Debbi shows people how to find and use media exposure to locate their tribe, fill workshops, sell books, and gain exposure. Connect with Debbi: https://DebbiDachinger.com Get your free Template to learn what YOUR unique message is for your business: https://debbidachinger.com/gift
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The show is sponsored by DrDainHeer.com and Access Consciousness