Learn secrets to real estate success you won't hear anywhere else. Through mini-masterclasses and s
Playing Big is not only the Agent Grad School Summer Book Club choice for July but it's also a way o
I thought doing a rebrand was the perfect opportunity to show our students how I don’t just teach mo
Part 2 of 2 of one of my favorite ever when it comes to real estate. Here’s what you’ll learn in thi
This was one of my favorite real estate conversations ever! Here's what you'll learn: The pivotal m
Our book club pick for June was The Go-Giver: A Little Story About A Powerful Business Idea by Bob B
If you have a website or thinking of getting one anytime soon, this episode is a must! It’s good bus
On this episode of Confessions of a Top Producing Agent, I’m sharing how you can help your buyers tr
Learn more about how you can join the Agent Grad School Summer Book club for FREE, get the reading l
Here’s another one of those “things” that real estate agents are told to do that makes no sense–sing
Want listings? In a sizzling seller's market like we have right now, it can be even MORE difficult t
Learn what Curbio is and how it can help you and your clients in this competitive seller's market. L
Just because “everyone else” is doing something or you think doing something will mean you win a dea
In real estate, we are made to think we aren't successful unless we've won all the awards, sold all
Today's episode is inspired by a listener who submitted a question wondering about the best place to
Do you remember that Friends episode when Ross got a new couch and it got stuck on the stairs and he
No homes to sell your buyers? You've got to do a lot more than wait for something to come on the ML
There is no way to be a successful real estate agent when your mind is full of self-doubt. You can’t
Zillow bought ShowingTime and the real estate industry went wild trying to figure out WHY. What eve
Today's guest is known as The Tax Lady and she has been specializing in helping real estate agents d
Have you ever had these thoughts? I’m a real estate agent I sell houses This should be easier I sh