Change Agents Community with Dr. James Rouse

Welcome to the Change Agents Community, where unstoppable individuals unite to ignite their fullest


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This is all about taking advantage of that hypnogic window, which is that space between sleep and wa

Self-compassion helps nearly every aspect of our well-being. It helps us express the best version of

Let's take the etymology of the word discipline and unpack it. Discipline comes from disciple - bein

Without meditation, I would be nowhere. Meditation is the foundation of my daily practice. It is a g

How does an overactive Amygdala manifest in our lives? Anxiety, stress, mental distress, strong emot

If you struggle with self-love or self-loathing, you are not alone. Moving from working on yourself

The Obstacle is the Way


What is your giant calling? There are trolls and critics everywhere you might tell you, "you can't d

Align with Possibility


Live your life with a depth of spiritual integrity. Decide to be heroic in your aliveness and your l

Are you lost in the sea of sameness? The valley of mediocrity? The default mode network is one way o

Overcoming our history is a huge undertaking. I know this is not easy work. What makes you feel more

This is all about programming our genes for greatness. Every day we have the choice about what gets

How is your body, your brain, your physiology? Are you feeling the need to exhale? Today I am going

Can you think of a person or persons who have served as a mentor to you? Perhaps you are that person

This isn't about happiness or being happy, this is about being present to the moment you are in. Get

Spreading kindness is one of the most contagious things you can do. Convince by your presence. Allow

As we mindfully ease back into the flow of life, we have an opportunity to build love and trust via

Today I am talking about the Bodhisattva vow and how it relates to you and I. Your life is your mess

Power of the Outdoors


Divergent thinking happens when you depart from your comfort lane of traditional thinking. We can ta

Move Beyond Your History


Personal hostility directly impacts your longevity potential. It effects the length of our telomeres

Love Yourself Well


Emotional pain houses itself in the limbic system. What will you do each day to nurture your heart.