A Simple, Brain-Based Approach to Help You Stop Binge Eating and Get on with Your Life.
Kathryn talks to Brain over Binge Coach Julie Mann about how to visualize and create a new version
Kathryn talks to Marcus Kain about a variety of recovery issues, especially about letting go of th
Dr. Amy Johnson returns to the show to talk about overcoming common thought patterns in binge eati
Kathryn addresses what you can do if you find yourself binge eating without recognizing an urge be
Kathryn Hansen and Brain over Binge coach Julie Mann discuss how you can begin wanting a life with
As you learn to end binge eating, you may feel confused about food and tell yourself “I don’t know
Kathryn discusses developing more freedom around food by avoiding telling yourself that your eatin
When you stop binge eating, you open yourself up to so many opportunities in your life. In this ep
Kathryn answers 4 questions from her monthly Instagram Live stream (@brain_over_binge). The first
Kathryn talks to Gillian Young about Night Eating Syndrome, an issue that Gillian overcame in her
Kathryn gives some simple advice to beginners about how to start eating normally in recovery. As y
Fernanda Lind returns to the show to help you start thriving after binge eating recovery. She expl
Kathryn explains why you may be viewing binge eating as a form of enjoyment, and how to let go of
Nan Simonsen, author of the new book, Aging Powerfully, shares how she was able to end a 50-year s
You’ll learn 4 suggestions for dealing with incessant thoughts about eating. Subscribe to the
Laurette Smith stopped binge eating and purging after 35 years, and used neuro-linguistic programm
Binge eating, purging, and restrictive dieting affect the digestive system. In this episode, holis
Do you tend to give up on binge eating recovery in December, and make a resolution to quit in Janu
The term “binge” has become popular in describing any behavior that seems excessive. The increasin