The AJ Daily is a compilation of Angus industry news; information about hot topics in the beef indus
8-30-23 AJ DailySeeding SuccessAdapted from an article by Elizabeth Rosson, editorial intern, Angus
8-29-23 AJ DailyUpgrading to Angus: Knolls Grew With ET and Consignment SalesAdapted from a release
8-28-23 AJ DailyWhen the Dust SettlesAdapted from an article by Megan Silveira, Angus Journal The Ev
8-25-23 AJ DailyIt’s Not Just You: Help Wanted in Rural AmericaAdapted from an article by Miranda Re
8-24-23 AJ DailyMarketing Cull CowsAdapted from an article by Heather Smith Thomas for Angus Beef Bu
8-23-23 AJ DailyTips for Using High-nitrate ForageAdapted from an article by Mary Drewnoski, Univers
8-22-23 AJ DailyAre Worms Winning?Adapted from an article by Rosslyn Biggs and John Gilliam, Oklahom
8-21-23 AJ DailyWhole Cottonseed Can Be an Option for Beef CattleAdapted from an article by Heather
8-18-23 AJ DailyK-State Beef Cattle Experts Share Advice on How to Keep Cattle CalmAdapted from an a
8-17-23 AJ DailyNow is the Time to Manage Winter-feeding AreasAdapted from a release by Elizabeth C
8-16-23 AJ DailySitz on Carrying on the Legacy, ‘Chasing Balance’ in Cow Herd Adapted from a release
8-15-23 AJ DailyIs That Corn Crop Worth More as Silage or Grain?Adapted from an article by Aaron Ber
8-14-23 AJ DailyProtein Supplements for Mature, Dry PasturesAdapted from an article by Heather Smith
8-11-23 AJ DailyGet Rewarded for Your CalvesAdapted from a podcast by Shauna Hermel, Angus Beef Bull
8-10-23 AJ DailyStudy Validates Genomic Profile to Select Commercial ReplacementsAdapted from an art
8-9-23 AJ DailyCAB Insider: Market UpdateAdapted from an article by Paul Dykstra, Certified Angus Be
8-8-23 AJ DailyPhenotype-Genotype Show Grows Interest in National Junior Angus ShowAdapted from a re
8-7-23 AJ DailyConsider Weaning NowAdapted from an article by Patrick Davis, University of Missouri
8-4-23 AJ DailyYon Family Farms to Donate 2024 Angus Foundation Heifer PackageAdapted from a release
8-3-23 AJ DailyMontana Stockgrowers File Appeal Against BLMAdapted from a release by Paige Nelson fo