8-8-23 AJ DailyPhenotype-Genotype Show Grows Interest in National Junior Angus Show)Adapted from a release by Sarah Kocher, Angus Communications Don’t Gamble With Weaning, MLS Tubs are a Sure Bet!)SPONSORED CONTENTNCBA Slams Presidential Overreach in Latest Antiquities Act Designation )Adapted from a release by the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association EPA Affirms Farmers’ Right to Repair )Adapted from a release by Ross Hettervig, National Farmers Union Fed-cattle Prices, August Basis and Regional Price Spreads )Adapted from a release by Len Steiner, Steiner Consulting Group Compiled by Paige Nelson, field editor, *Angus Journal. *For more Angus news, visit *angusjournal.net. *)
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