Kimberly and Katie are professional true crime TV experts with no formal training but evidence locke
Mr. Mankiewicz is heading to Canada, eh! He’s bundled up on the Polar Bear Express and heading where
This week is full of surprises! Fantastic new DATELINE correspondent Blayne Alexander doesn't pull a
Never has a Dateline update had such a wild gravel ride of an update! There’s an unforgettable trial
Andrea Canning is again proving herself do be one of Dateline's bravest correspondents. We have seen
Dateline brings our favorite gumshoe Dennis Murphy back for a third week in a row! This time to a Ta
Dennis Murphy returns for his second Dennisode in a row, which is always a Jenerous gift to our scre
It’s a story that the whole world has been watching, and the lightning fast team at Dateline have ma
In the epic conclusion of DEATH AT THE SPA, Kimberly and Katie have a lot to discuss. There is not o
In honor of Valentine’s Day, Dateline has given us an explosive episode about love gone wrong. When
What is more fun than a sleepover with all your cousins growing up? Everybody camped out in the livi
It's a case that Josh Mankiewicz himself calls one of the most unusual ever! Gauntlet thrown! But he
When a charismatic young doctor announces revolutionary treatments for cancer and HIV, patients from
It’s the Dateline update episode everyone has been waiting for! Dennis Murphy is back to continue th
GHOSTS CAN’T TALK. We know what you’re thinking. Patrick Swayze. Casper. The entire cast of the US a
It's 2024! New year! New resolutions! New attitudes! New sassy intros! New updates on classic Dateli
Well dear friends and listeners, it's taken some time, but the time has come where we finally solve
In this very special Double Date episode Kimberly and Katie are with two of their favorite podcast f
It’s time for THE ULTIMATE BETRAYAL from Dateline, and we’re not talking about Lester Holt giving up
Dennis Murphy is in Mark Twain country, which on a Dateline usually means something terrible has hap
Let’s get physical...evidence! Mr. Dennis Gumshoe Murphy is taking us to Seattle where we’re going t