Kimberly and Katie are professional true crime TV experts with no formal training but evidence locke
It’s time for THE ULTIMATE BETRAYAL from Dateline, and we’re not talking about Lester Holt giving up
Dennis Murphy is in Mark Twain country, which on a Dateline usually means something terrible has hap
Let’s get physical...evidence! Mr. Dennis Gumshoe Murphy is taking us to Seattle where we’re going t
Think you’ve heard everything about Alec/Alex/Elic Murdaugh/Murdow/Murdick/ Murdock, but you haven’t
Dateline's favorite Florida Man (the non bath salts gator kidnapping kind of Florida Man) Dennis Mur
Kimberly and Katie have stepped out on a Double Date from Dateline with the hilarious Ellyn and Joey
Dateline’s THE CASE OF THE MAN WITH NO NAME has everything: a cowboy detective, a prairie poltergeis
It's time for Dateline's one and only Andrea Canning to take you on a wild ride in Olney, Texas, whe
Tristan Redman is a journalist who doesn’t believe in ghosts. But weird things happened in his teena
In its time honored tradition of giving us episodes with “secrets” in the title, Dateline has provid
Dateline's favorite Florida Man Dennis Murphy heads deep into the Ohio woods for his season 32 premi
Season 32 of Dateline is upon us and Josh Mankiewicz is starting out the season strong, reporting fr
It's a Dateline episode with so many twists (of the deadly kind) and turns that we need two episodes
It's the Dateline episode that has been highly requested and hard to forget... it's DEADLY TWIST! A
Last week was Secrets in the Snow, this week is SECRETS IN THE MIST! Next up, Secrets in the Hail! T
We’ve had secrets in the suburbs, in Silver Lakes, and in the desert. But we’ve never had SECRETS IN
In Dateline’s classic SMOKE AND MIRRORS, when a beloved young woman disappears, her loving family is
When Mike Williams vanishes on a hunting trip, the authorities suspect he was eaten by alligators bu
In the Dateline classic MYSTERY ON HORSESHOE DRIVE, mystery host Rob Stafford is emerging out of the
It’s time for more PHROGGING: HIDER IN MY HOUSE! But don’t be aphraid, because Kimberly and Katie ar