Kimberly and Katie are professional true crime TV experts with no formal training but evidence locke
Join us on Wednesday October 23rd at 6pm PST/ 9p EST! It's the livestream of the century... in that
Season 33 of Dateline is bringing the doozy early in the season with a Texas size case of tragedy an
Josh Mankiewicz returns with his Season 33 debut episode! WRONG TURNS is taking us to a deserted lak
Dateline has finally emerged from it's summer cocoon and at long last it's time for the Season 33 Pr
Our Leaning King (new nickname pending!) Keith Morrison is back at it with a mysterious new episode
It’s the first episode of the new season of Dateline (kind of!)! When a beloved young woman named Ak
The long Dateline drought is almost over, and so we’ve pulled a doozy of an episode from the vault t
65 SECONDS may be the title of this Dateline, but Kimberly and Katie had so much to say on this part
The Olympics are over but Dateline is still in reruns so Kimberly and Katie are heading back to 65 S
Dateline is going for the gold! They’re throwing heavy discs and pommel horsing their way to the pod
We’re really missing Dateline this summer, so we dove into the archives for a classic! Paris may hav
‘Cause baby now we got atiea new ID Network episode! Dateline is still on a summer break, so Kimberl
It’s a summer of firsts! For the first time ever, Kimberly and Katie revisit their very first Patreo
It’s a Summertime Double Cheat Date with Dateline! For the first time, Kimberly is cheating on Datel
While Dateline is on a heartbreaking hiatus, K & K are going for gold by swan diving back into t
Dateline eases us into a summer of NBC Olympics by giving us one last new episode from the marvelous
Kimberly and Katie's recent obsession with Orange County crimes continues with a classic Dateline- M
Dateline Queen Andrea Canning stops by for a chat! Kimberly and Katie attempt to hold it together to
We’ll take Classic Datelines for 500, Alex! The answer is: An Orange County episode involving a nucl
DJ DATELINE IS IN THE HOUSE! And pumping up the jams is new guest host Stephanie Gosk! Stephanie def