A Change of Brand, produced by Matchstic, is a podcast about the world’s most loved consumer compani
In 2021, after more than a decade, Pepsi Co and Quaker Oats announced their leading pancake brand, A
Dropping a name from your logo is a tall order. In 2011, Starbucks did just that. Some found it too
When Fiverr, one of the world's largest freelance marketplaces, spent more than a fiver on thei
In 2014, Mastercard took a swipe at evolving its iconic red and yellow circles to eventually droppin
Southwest is a much beloved brand, but in 2014 a heart-felt rebrand process caused some turbulence i
Get ready for a new season of A Change of Brand, starting Sept. 21st. –––––We continue to go deeper
Burger King woke everyone out of a food coma when it revealed a delightfully retro rebrand in Januar
As one of the largest technology companies in the world, Google’s influence has no limits. Their 201
Loom is a video messaging service that makes collaboration happen when in-person interactions are ha
As an organization dedicated to fighting the good fight for the people, the American Civil Liberties
In the wild, wild west of the internet in the late 90’s and early 00’s, domain registration and host
How do you evolve a 100-year-old brand that has become unbelievably iconic? In this week's epis
In 2017, Dropbox turned heads with a change of brand that some would call creative, others chaotic.
What's in a name, or a donut? In 2018, Dunkin' Donuts riled up Bostonians and traditionali
Rebranding is always a ballsy move, and some would argue Airbnb took the challenge quite literally w
Mailchimp’s 2018 rebrand, led by Collins, made headlines for brave and bold choices. In this debut e