A Change of Brand, produced by Matchstic, is a podcast about the world’s most loved consumer compani
We’re stepping into the overlooked and underappreciated world of verbals to reflect on the best (and
When Pepsi’s overly philosophical rebrand launched in 2009, it was a real head scratcher for average
When EA Sports and FIFA parted ways in 2023, there was just one minor problem: the popular soccer vi
Twitter’s overnight transformation into X is still a mystery. What would cause a brand to take such
With their rising success and a cult-like following, Reddit had ambitions of enhancing their global
The cannabis industry is basically the Wild West. In an emerging market, how do you execute a rebran
In 2023, we saw Eddie Bauer and Johnson & Johnson retire their widely recognizable script logo f
You thought your clients were tough? Try having a branch of the military as a client. To combat thei
LG is an electronics giant with one of the most instantly recognizable logos. But with decades of br
F1Once F1 was acquired by a mass media company in 2017, they faced a crossroads that many legacy bra
After Glassdoor’s acquisition of Fishbowl in 2023, they enlisted the help of Deanna German, Creative
As a highly successful and ever-expanding company, the Minecraft brand began spawning major inconsis
Despite being known as a B2C telecom giant turned dying star, Nokia’s focus has been on developing B
Bolt, an online check-out platform, debuted its first brand refresh in 2023 and ended up sparking a
Despite being associated with cherished childhood memories, Baskin-Robbins began to feel frozen in t
A name change is one of the most extreme versions of change for a brand. So when travel company Scot
(Not so) lovingly referred to as the Florence Fiasco, the city of Florence, Alabama’s 2022 rebrand o
Around 2020, Visa wanted to reposition their brand for the digital economy and become more purpose d
Despite the success of selling over one million boxes of macaroni and cheese, Kraft wanted to positi