The 30-35 km mark is often referred to as the 'ghost gate' because it is the point where runners experience extreme physical and mental exhaustion. This is when the body's glycogen stores are depleted, leading to a phenomenon called 'hitting the wall.' Runners often feel like they can't continue, but pushing through this phase can lead to a second wind and renewed energy.
Runners overcome mental challenges by using various strategies such as self-talk, positive affirmations, and focusing on small milestones. Some runners also rely on external encouragement, like cheering from spectators or fellow runners. Additionally, breaking the race into smaller segments and focusing on reaching the next checkpoint can help maintain motivation and mental resilience.
Runners are motivated by the sense of achievement and personal growth that comes from pushing their limits. The endorphin rush and the feeling of accomplishment after completing a tough workout or race are powerful motivators. Additionally, the running community and the support from fellow runners provide encouragement and accountability, helping runners stay committed to their training.
Elite runners manage their training schedules by incorporating rest days, cross-training, and varying the intensity of their workouts. They also set specific goals for each training cycle and allow themselves a limited number of 'cheat days' where they can skip a workout without guilt. This approach helps prevent burnout and keeps them motivated throughout their training.
The running community plays a crucial role in a runner's journey by providing support, motivation, and camaraderie. Whether it's through running clubs, online forums, or race events, being part of a community helps runners stay accountable, share experiences, and learn from others. The encouragement and shared passion for running create a sense of belonging and make the journey more enjoyable.
Running has a profound impact on mental health and overall well-being by reducing stress, anxiety, and depression. The physical activity releases endorphins, which improve mood and create a sense of well-being. Additionally, the discipline and routine of running help build mental resilience, while the sense of accomplishment from achieving running goals boosts self-esteem and confidence.
杭纯,PB 2:56:00的「自娱」跑者
01:55 六月到现在,是什么让毛书记瘦了十几斤?
04:22 对马拉松没概念的小白,却1h46m跑完半马
08:45 做600 Pacer,不仅要领跑还要提供情绪价值
10:29 从五圈操场到全马,极限远比想象中更广阔
14:33 跑强度课难受一会儿,但不跑步难受一天
18:00 有N个不跑步的借口,但总有N+1个解决方法
19:40 需要值班的医疗工作者,90%休息时间都在跑步
21:33 14-18周的训练周期里,只有三次偷懒机会
25:03 为什么说30km是马拉松的「鬼门关」?
28:23 毛书记的跑马秘籍:一边跑一边大声喊话
32:14 退赛是艰难决定,但又何尝不是另一种收获
36:02 感谢哪怕状态不好也没放弃、不服输的自己
41:18 跑起来就「呼风唤雨」,熊熊燃烧的「中二魂」
46:46 跑过马拉松之后,心态和思维都更开阔了
51:12 目标不是达成某个成绩,而是长久地跑下去
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