cover of episode 71. 怎么找业界实习机会?在公司做研究和大学里有什么不同?HCI PhD 业界的出路有哪些?(嘉宾:Sitong Wang 王思童, Ning Zheng 宁政)

71. 怎么找业界实习机会?在公司做研究和大学里有什么不同?HCI PhD 业界的出路有哪些?(嘉宾:Sitong Wang 王思童, Ning Zheng 宁政)

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王思童:在寻找实习机会的过程中,我认为利用人脉资源非常重要。我之前与一位合作者有过合作,他曾在李丁所在的公司实习过,因此我直接联系了李丁,并顺利获得了实习机会。整个过程非常顺利,只进行了一轮面试。 我的导师Lydia Charlton非常支持我参与行业实习,她认为在博士期间至少进行一次行业实习非常有益,可以帮助我更好地了解工业界的工作环境,并为未来的职业发展做出更明智的选择。此外,她还认为,在行业实习中接触真实的使用者,并与经验丰富的研究人员合作,将为我的研究带来新的收获和体会。 宁政:我首先列出了自己感兴趣的公司清单,这些公司主要来自于导师的推荐、我之前了解到的公司以及我阅读论文时发现的公司。然后,我查看了这些公司的实习招聘页面,并尝试联系一些我感兴趣的研究人员,询问他们是否有相关的实习机会。最终,我通过李丁的播客了解到他的招聘信息,并成功获得了Adobe的实习机会。 我的导师Toby Lee非常支持我的实习计划,他认为在行业实习中接触真实的使用者,并与经验丰富的研究人员合作,是一个非常难得的体验。他认为即使不考虑未来的职业发展,在暑假期间进行行业实习也是一个非常好的机会。 李丁:我今年收到了很多学生主动发邮件申请实习,我根据他们的研究方向与我的研究方向的匹配程度来选择合适的实习生。王思童和宁政都是通过主动联系我而获得实习机会的,这体现了他们积极主动的品质。 在公司做研究与在学校做研究有很多不同。公司更注重细节,对最终成果的实用性要求更高,更看重能否为真实用户提供端到端的帮助。在公司实习中,你会接触到更多不同领域的合作者,例如UI设计师、产品经理等,这有助于你获得更广泛的反馈和经验,并学习到更多不同的技能。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

How did Sitong Wang and Ning Zheng find their research internships?

Sitong Wang found her internship through a connection with a collaborator who had previously interned with her mentor, Ding Li. She proactively reached out via email and had a smooth process with only one interview. Ning Zheng created a list of companies based on recommendations from his advisor, companies he had previously interned with, and papers he had read. He also reached out to researchers on Twitter and applied through official channels before choosing Adobe.

Why did their PhD advisors support them in pursuing internships?

Both Sitong and Ning's advisors supported their internships because they believed it would provide valuable industry experience, helping them decide between academia and industry post-graduation. Sitong's advisor, Lydia, encouraged her to gain real-world user insights, while Ning's advisor saw the internship as an opportunity to apply research in different contexts, enriching his academic work.

What are the key differences between research in academia and industry according to Sitong and Ning?

In industry, research is more focused on end-to-end solutions that directly benefit real-world users, whereas academic research often prioritizes validating assumptions, even if the output isn't immediately practical. Industry projects also involve more collaboration with professionals like UI designers and product teams, providing a broader ecosystem of feedback and expertise.

What makes a meaningful internship for Sitong and Ning?

For Sitong, a meaningful internship involves a fulfilling process, exposure to interesting researchers, and understanding how research ideas translate into tech transfer. Ning values overcoming uncertainties about industry work and gaining clarity on his career path. Both also appreciate the opportunity to publish papers and contribute to projects that may impact real-world users.

What are the career prospects for HCI PhD graduates in the industry?

HCI PhD graduates have diverse career options, including roles as research scientists, engineers, user experience researchers, and program managers. Their training equips them with skills in system building, user studies, and coding, making them versatile. Some may also explore roles in product development or entrepreneurship, leveraging their ability to bridge research and practical applications.

What are some of the benefits of interning at Adobe?

Adobe offers benefits like well-being days, a $600 wellness reimbursement, relocation assistance, free lunches, and public transportation coverage. Interns also receive swag and opportunities for professional development, such as attending the Adobe Summit. The company culture emphasizes work-life balance, with meetings scheduled outside lunch hours to allow for breaks.

What are Sitong and Ning's thoughts on living and working in Seattle?

Both enjoy Seattle for its peaceful environment, outdoor activities, and cultural events. Sitong appreciates the city's parks and rooftop views, while Ning values the contrast to his rural life in South Bend. They also highlight the growing food scene and the convenience of having a car for commuting and exploring the area.

  • 利用人脉资源寻找实习机会
  • 主动联系感兴趣的研究人员
  • 积极申请公司实习职位
  • 面试过程中的经验分享

Shownotes Transcript

嘉宾: Sitong Wang) Ning Zheng)

今天是西雅图研究实习的第二期,我今天把我今年暑假的两个实习生 Sitong 和 Ning Zheng 拉过来讨论了一下他们对这些话题的一些看法。 我们首先讨论到了他们怎么找实习的,怎么让他们导师放他们出来实习,而不是待在学校里面暑假留着。

然后接着我们也讨论到了在他们的眼中,在公司做研究和在学校做研究什么样的不同。他们也聊一聊他们认为一个好的业界实习应该是什么样子的。然后当然最后我们也 cover 了我们公司有什么样的福利, 和他们认为 HCI PhD 在业界工作的一些出路。

如果你想听他们的看法,可以收听这期的节目。如果你是第一次听西雅图研究实习的系列,欢迎订阅我们的频道, 接下来我们至少还有 2~3 期可以接着收听。

  • 0:00 开场

  • 1:35 怎么找业界的研究实习?有哪些经验分享

  • 9:34 怎么劝 PhD 导师放你出来实习?

  • 11:00 实习期间学到的东西,和在学校有什么不同?

  • 19:20 Sitong 和 Ning 认为,what makes a good internship?

  • 29:00 实习期间,有很频繁的 internal deadline,实习生怎么看待?

  • 33:40 Adobe 的福利 🧧

  • 40:11 HCI PhD 在业界的出路

  • 45:25 西雅图工作之外的生活,吃喝玩乐推荐


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