The exhibition, titled 'Daydreaming,' focuses on portraying the true essence of individuals, particularly those from marginalized groups such as the homeless, sex workers, and indigenous communities. Zhang collaborates with 27 charitable organizations and creates portraits based on how the subjects want to be seen by the world.
Zhang asks her subjects how they want to be portrayed and creates two portraits for each person: one based on their self-description while she is in the UK, and another after meeting them in person in Taiwan. This approach highlights the multifaceted nature of individuals.
A sex worker told Zhang, 'Hell will not be empty until I become a Buddha,' expressing her desire to help others in her community. This statement deeply impacted Zhang, who spent months contemplating how to visually represent this sentiment.
Zhang believes that all people are fundamentally equal, but societal inequalities obscure this truth. Her work aims to strip away labels and reveal the humanity in each individual, encouraging viewers to see people as equals rather than through the lens of societal judgments.
Zhang's art challenges societal labels by focusing on the individual rather than their societal roles or status. She avoids 'selling stories' or exploiting her subjects' hardships, instead presenting them as complex human beings deserving of empathy and understanding.
Zhang's interest in understanding human nature began in childhood. She was fascinated by observing people and initially wanted to be a bus driver to encounter diverse individuals. Her academic studies in art and anatomy further deepened her exploration of human identity.
Zhang's philosophy emphasizes the importance of making an effort to understand others, regardless of the outcome. She believes that even small attempts to connect with people can foster empathy and reduce societal divisions, making the world a better place.
Zhang's portraits aim to make marginalized individuals feel seen and acknowledged. For example, a homeless subject cried when Zhang painted him, expressing that he felt invisible despite being alive. Her art validates their existence and humanity.
Zhang notes that Taiwan operates at a faster pace compared to the UK, where life is slower and more structured. She also highlights the British tendency for 'passive aggression' and their emphasis on politeness, which contrasts with more direct communication styles in other cultures.
For Zhang, art is a means of exploring and understanding human nature. She finds joy in the process of creating and believes that art allows for genuine connections between people, transcending societal labels and judgments.
最後得出「At least you tried」的人生哲理,提醒我們在理解他人的過程中,重要的不是結果,而是願意踏出那一步的勇氣。
展覽資訊 - 2024 貧窮人的台北《白日夢遊》
這裡是只能喝酒的圖書館,一個出租成見,探索未知的地方。 疑惑是生命的本質,帶著未知行走探索這個世界,每個人都是本會走路的書。
【只能喝酒的圖書館】是2020年開始的台灣文化媒體Podcast節目,主持人是Otherwise Library主理人Hank & Ting,每週更新,一邊喝酒一邊聊聊人生中的愛恨嗔痴癲,找尋時代的印記與焦慮,關注人生的迷惘與疑問,自己的缺乏,關於那些有趣的靈魂,生活的高潮迭起,和觀看生命的獨特哲學與情感學習,幫你找到人生平衡感。 如果你喜歡我們的節目,歡迎訂閱! 也歡迎留言給我們加油打氣!
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