cover of episode 甘懷真:北魏的均田制(在世界中的中國第43集)


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甘怀真:本集探讨北魏均田制的成立,其背景是公元485年至780年间华北的大开发与大移民,以及汉人豪族权力的上升。均田制并非简单地恢复汉代制度,而是基于当时社会的新形势,旨在通过国营农场的模式,解决土地纠纷,抑制豪族势力,并有效征税。 均田制并非在全国范围内实施,而是主要在国营农场中实行。其核心是国家分配定额土地给人民,并强制从事生产以征税。这与西晋的占田法有所不同,占田法是根据身份等级占有土地,而非授田,官员需投入资本和组织人力进行生产,承担相应的义务。占田法的实际执行情况比法条规定更复杂,史料不足以完全展现其复杂性。 魏晋时期,国家体制向儒教国家演变,名分成为重要原则。官员通过自身努力获得物质利益。西晋占田法规定了庶民的占田额度,但实际执行中存在复杂性。魏晋时期,国家与商人合作,村共同体通过自力更生经营经济,国家主要维护社会正义并收税。国家通过宣告法律上的权利来规范政治社会制度,这源于儒教国家的天下观,认为土地和人民都属于皇帝,劳动成果需以租的形式献给皇帝。 五世纪后期华北大开发导致汉人豪族权力上升,北魏朝廷试图通过郡县制和三长制收编农村。华北社会实施宗主都护制,宗是结合宗教和军事的团体。李安世的上书是研究均田制起源的重要史料,其核心观点是土地国有,而非没收私人土地,提出“分艺有准,力业相称”的原则,根据劳动能力分配土地。均田制的出发点是为华北新兴农业聚落制定规范,保障村的运作,体现了授田和还田制度,其原理与鲜卑的不足制有关。 均田制的“均”的原理源于不足制下的土地公有制,土地归还国家。均田制下的村庄实行公社公有制,村民共有土地,但个人有分地。北魏均田制是国家主导下的公社公有制,宣告土地归国家所有,禁止豪族兼并无主荒地,国家出面帮助农家组建公社。均田制是官办民营的国营公社,并非豪族共同体,官府管理公社的运作并进行账目登记。均田制规定了露田和桑田的分配,露田需还田,桑田则不用,旨在建立自给自足的农村,农民依赖公社,官府提供资本、技术和组织。均田制禁止土地买卖,这与公社公有制相符。均田制并非现代意义上的平均地权,当时没有明确的土地登记制度。人民投靠豪族是为了逃避赋税并获得资本和技术支持,两者关系是债务关系。均田制旨在将人民编入户籍,并收取赋税,使人民脱离豪族势力。北魏均田制有两个主要脉络:管理境内人民和应对华北大开发。北魏试图通过郡县制、户籍制和三长制管理境内人民,特别是豪族。北魏利用华北已有的公社公有制来吸纳人民,创造农业部门。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

What was the primary purpose of the Equal Field System (均田制) implemented by the Northern Wei Dynasty?

The primary purpose of the Equal Field System was to manage and regulate land distribution among the populace, ensuring that state-owned land was allocated fairly to households. This system aimed to stabilize agricultural production, increase state revenue through taxation, and prevent the concentration of land in the hands of powerful families or clans.

How did the Equal Field System differ from previous land distribution systems like the Land Occupation Law (占田法)?

The Equal Field System differed from the Land Occupation Law in that it was more focused on state control and redistribution of land. While the Land Occupation Law allowed individuals to claim land based on their status, the Equal Field System mandated the allocation of specific amounts of land to households, with the requirement to return the land after a certain period. This system was designed to prevent land monopolies and ensure equitable access to agricultural resources.

What role did the Three Chiefs System (三长制) play in the implementation of the Equal Field System?

The Three Chiefs System was a local administrative structure that helped the Northern Wei government implement the Equal Field System. It involved appointing local leaders (village, neighborhood, and party chiefs) to oversee land distribution, tax collection, and population registration. This system allowed the state to exert greater control over rural communities and ensure compliance with the land redistribution policies.

Why was the Equal Field System considered a response to the economic and social changes in Northern China during the 5th century?

The Equal Field System was a response to the economic and social changes in Northern China, particularly the large-scale migration and agricultural development that occurred during the 5th century. The system aimed to integrate newly formed rural communities into the state structure, prevent the rise of powerful local clans, and ensure that the state could collect taxes and maintain social order in a rapidly changing society.

What were the key features of the land allocation under the Equal Field System?

Under the Equal Field System, land was allocated based on household size and labor capacity. Adult males received 40 mu of arable land (露田), while adult females received 20 mu. Additionally, households were granted 20 mu of mulberry land (桑田) for planting trees and other crops. The arable land had to be returned to the state after the farmer retired or died, while the mulberry land could be retained permanently. This system aimed to balance state control with household self-sufficiency.

  • 均田制成立于485年,结束于780年,实施约300年
  • 均田制并非在全国实施,而是针对国营农场
  • 与西晋占田法比较,均田制并非恢复汉代制度,而是基于当时华北农村的实际情况和国家与人民之间新的权力关系

Shownotes Transcript

這一集的主題是「北魏均田制的成立」。均田制成立於北魏之西元485年,正式結束於唐之西元780, 實施約三百年,是這段時期最重要的基層社會的政治經濟制度。本集探討它的形成期,重點在說明第五世紀後期以來華北的大開發,北魏以均田制作出它的對應,重點是它如何利用了當時中國北方的公村公有制以建立新型態的國營農場。 關鍵字:占田法,法權,課田法,佃客,私相置名,三長制,宗主都護制,蔭附,李安世,「分藝有準,力業相稱」,還田,份地,露田,桑田,。 封面圖片:吐魯番一景。甘懷真攝。  本節目的講者甘懷真,台灣大學歷史系教授/台灣大學中華文化講座教授。史學專業是中國政治制度史、東亞王權與國際關係等。 我們正處在一個鉅變的時代中,歷史正在以史無前例的速度向前推進,我們不可能停留在過去,甚至不可能駐足於現代。其中的一個原因是「中國再起」。於是十九世紀以來的這一波西方(歐美)霸權的全球代浪潮將消退,包括中國在內的非西方重新崛起,將改寫世界新秩序,改變我們的生活。我們必須重新認識中國,包括歷史中國,且刻不容緩。甘教授在台灣大學推動新中國學中的新中國史研究。這本有聲書是將他的教研成果與各位分享。相對於二十世紀的中國史研究,重新認識歷史中國的關鍵在於中國自古以來如何在一波波的全球化中。所以本節目的主題是「世界中的中國」。 留言告訴我你對這一集的想法: Powered by Firstory Hosting)