Christina Pazsitzky and Tom Segura are comedians who are also married. They are the Mommies and they
You'll never want this episode to end. That's how full of delicious treats it is! GG Allin, coconut
Get your hands off my penis! All of you! Can you be arrested for simply enjoying a meal? We think, y
Tommy was recently on a flight with GREG JENNINGS. Yes, that one. The former Packer and current Viki
This is what the Mommy Dome is all about - wearing jeans and having fun. A first timer has joined us
Our philosophy has always been push as hard as you can until it hurts and then tell us about it - an
The mommies can't add. We know words and we know sounds and we know that catsfish and bass loves fro
This episode is gooder than a bitch! Get those jeans ready. Tina and Tommy had opposite weeks. Tommy
Well it's Tommy's Smurfday! What did you get him? Sometimes you eat some stuff and then a lot of bro
BOW BOW BOW BOW BOW BOW BOW! Poetry comes in so many different forms. BAM BAM BAM BAM. See? That was
Some people make your P***y dry! Who does that in your life? Now let them know. Good job. We talk ab
Awwww yeah, just a couple of mommies sittin around with their jeans up. We get right to it quick on
Put on your lovey jeans, Jeans! It's ValenTIMES day! Today is the official kissy face day in America
If someone weighs 600 pounds and they want more food, give it to 'em! Extreme weigh gain has a profo
These aren't your dad's jeans! We tell you that aging means that your accomplishments aren't notewor
F**K HALF the Crab Feast! The Mommy Dome happily welcomes fellow podcaster and comedian, well-dresse
Welcome to Braceland! He's finally here. The star of Gigolos on Showtime and soundbites in our heart
Matt Braunger is one of our tallest and most bestestest friends and we are more than smiling so hard
Everyone is welcome in Your Mom's House. It don't matter if you're black, brown, purple or Asian - o
Nothing goes in Tina's booty - Well, lets just say NOT MUCH! Hehehehehehehe! We got a Chuck Ramsey u
If you're a big dog how about you play with dogs your size, you stupid, selfish inconsiderate C**T.