We help founders make something people want.
Launching a company is often pictured as a big splashy event with lots of media attention and hype.
Y Combinator Partner Pete Koomen led his startup, Optimizely, to $100M ARR. In this video, Pete brea
A little over ten years ago Paul Graham published the essay "Do Things That Don't Scale." At the tim
Over the past decade crypto has been declared dead hundreds of times. But with the price of Bitcoin
In this episode of Startup School, YC Partner Tom Blomfield dives deeper into the metrics that matte
When you’re making important decisions as a founder — like what to build or how it should work — sho
One trait that many great founders share is conviction. In this episode of Dalton & Michael, we’
Startups need to innovate to succeed. But not all innovation is made equal and reinventing some comm
Within the world of startups, you'll find lots of discourse online about the experiences of foun
Based on the thousands of companies YC has funded over the years, the biggest common element between
In this episode of Startup School, YC Group Partner Tom Blomfield discusses one of the most importan
Social media often promotes a doom and gloom outlook about our future society. But is that worldview
Casetext started out in 2013 as a crowdsourced law library — a sort of “Wikipedia meets Reddit” for
The stories are true: technical founders (and early technical employees!) often end up with the shor
If you’re an employee of a late stage company right now, how would you know when it’s time to move o
Should you and your startup live in San Francisco? Y Combinator Partners, Michael Seibel and Dalton
How will the rise of AI impact startups and entrepreneurs? Join Michael Seibel and Dalton Caldwell f
When it comes to building a startup you’re never doing it entirely from scratch. Inspiration and ide
YC Visiting Group Partner Divya Bhat talks about how to set your KPIs (key metrics) and how to prior