What will the future look like? The Future of Everything offers a view of the nascent trends that wi
In recent months, an Alaska Airlines jet lost a door plug mid-flight, and a Japan Airlines plane col
Is it an earworm or an icon? The Super Mario Bros. theme is the soundtrack to many childhoods and ha
AI has brought new challenges for corporate executives in managing their workforces and supply chain
Badge swipes and passwords are cornerstones of security in the modern workplace. But in a world wher
Will the human resources department be replaced by robots? Not quite, but the use of generative art
Nvidia's Jensen Huang is Silicon Valley's longest tenured CEO, and his company recently joined the t
Fake images are already turning heads online, and Hany Farid, a professor of computer science at the
AI voice assistants like Apple’s Siri and Amazon’s Alexa have become part of our everyday lives. But
One of AI’s biggest, unsolved problems is what the advanced algorithms should do when they confront
Sail-powered cargo ships are making waves on the seas. High-tech versions of old tools are being ins
Breast milk imparts a number of long-term health benefits to babies, including a lower risk of asthm
The next generation of nuclear power plants could be tiny, and that could mean big things for carbon
There may come a day when everyone will be wearing hearing aids. That’s because today’s hearing aids
What if there were a way to generate clean solar electricity from space and send it directly to Eart
Want to go electric? We might need to dig a little deeper… into the Earth’s crust. Researchers and s
Is there life on planets other than Earth? For generations, scientists have puzzled over the questio
AI-generated or manipulated images are quickly becoming a lot more realistic. Soon, it may be imposs
The great American road trip has long been powered by gasoline. Gas stations are everywhere, making